Our Father's Heart

His Purpose | Ep. 116

October 25, 2023 Jesus M. Ruiz Episode 116
His Purpose | Ep. 116
Our Father's Heart
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Our Father's Heart
His Purpose | Ep. 116
Oct 25, 2023 Episode 116
Jesus M. Ruiz

We begin with an insightful exploration of Psalm 105, investigating the profound influence of God's covenant with Abraham and its continuation through his lineage. There's a deep dive into how God shielded Abraham and chastised kings for their iniquity and an acknowledgment of the significance of remembering the covenant in our praise and gratitude. Be encouraged knowing that no weapon formed against them prospered, the same assurance we've inherited as Children of God. Together, we'll reflect on how these divine covenants give us a reason to praise His name and share of His wondrous works.
Shifting gears we explore the unique offering of this episode - a comprehensive study of God's promises to Abraham, his descendants, and us, by faith. This discourse takes us to the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was generously given to those assembled. Experience the power of Jesus' command to His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Father's promise and how it tied into the majesty displayed on the day of Pentecost.
 Astonishingly, by faith, we are invited to partake in all that was promised to Jesus Christ and be considered heirs of the promise.
The final segment of our episode imparts an understanding of how God’s will and purpose transcend our personal desires and feelings. Using Job's story, we'll discover how God can use hardship for our good and His glory. We'll also delve into the highs and lows of life as purported by Ecclesiastes 3 and how Jesus exemplified this. Discover the importance of sharing your struggles, leaning on God during tough times, and the assurance that He works everything for our good. This episode invites us to embrace God's purpose and bolster each other's faith. It's a powerful reminder that God's promises hold true, even in our challenging times. 

"Message Our Father's Heart a Question or Response"

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Our Father's Heart נושאי נטל (Num 11:17)
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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

We begin with an insightful exploration of Psalm 105, investigating the profound influence of God's covenant with Abraham and its continuation through his lineage. There's a deep dive into how God shielded Abraham and chastised kings for their iniquity and an acknowledgment of the significance of remembering the covenant in our praise and gratitude. Be encouraged knowing that no weapon formed against them prospered, the same assurance we've inherited as Children of God. Together, we'll reflect on how these divine covenants give us a reason to praise His name and share of His wondrous works.
Shifting gears we explore the unique offering of this episode - a comprehensive study of God's promises to Abraham, his descendants, and us, by faith. This discourse takes us to the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was generously given to those assembled. Experience the power of Jesus' command to His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Father's promise and how it tied into the majesty displayed on the day of Pentecost.
 Astonishingly, by faith, we are invited to partake in all that was promised to Jesus Christ and be considered heirs of the promise.
The final segment of our episode imparts an understanding of how God’s will and purpose transcend our personal desires and feelings. Using Job's story, we'll discover how God can use hardship for our good and His glory. We'll also delve into the highs and lows of life as purported by Ecclesiastes 3 and how Jesus exemplified this. Discover the importance of sharing your struggles, leaning on God during tough times, and the assurance that He works everything for our good. This episode invites us to embrace God's purpose and bolster each other's faith. It's a powerful reminder that God's promises hold true, even in our challenging times. 

"Message Our Father's Heart a Question or Response"

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May God bless you and make you prosperous in Him as you listen and obey His voice!

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

The vision received was that of blood cells traveling throughout the body, supplying the much needed oxygen and other nutrients to the differing members of the body to fulfill their purpose. Once the blood cells are spent, they must return back to the heart to be refilled before being sent out again and fulfill their purpose. I guess it's good afternoon now. We're in the afternoon time and don't know how long it'll be, but hopefully you don't mind getting into the word. I think I'm going to kind of start off like Elder Luther does. Where does Elder Luther always start off in? That's right. That's right. I'm going to take his lead and I'm going to start off in Psalms, but I ain't going to leave it for a long while. So hopefully you don't mind getting into the word, because today is our fellowship day. Psalm 105. Psalm 105.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Well, give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, sing to him, sing Psalms to him, talk of all his wondrous works. And that's what we have done just recently. We've made known the things that he's done in our lives, whether it be way back in the past or just recently. We're not afraid to allow the congregation to share in the blessings of the Lord upon us as we shared with others. So we talk of his wondrous works, we glory in his holy name. I think we were doing that in praise and worship. But the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord. Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face evermore. Remember his marvelous works which he has done, his wonders and the judgments of his mouth. And I think that right there in verse five is the foundation for being able to do verse one, two, three and four. How am I going to give thanks and call upon his name and make known his deeds and sing to him and sing songs of all of his wondrous works and glory in his name and rejoice in him and seek the Lord in his strength, when I don't remember what he's done for me? I think that's the key, because if we have nothing to remember what he's done for me, then why am I going to thank him? Why am I going to praise him? Why I'm going to tell of his wondrous works if there's nothing to remember about him? And I think that's where the next litany of verses needed to come in for the one who wrote this particular song.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Does it say in your Bible that it was David. Sometimes it's not. I don't know if you know that not everything written in Psalms was written of David. Does anybody know? Does their Bible tell you that this was a Psalm of David, or maybe it was of Asaph? I didn't really check up on that, it just came to my mind right now. But my Bible doesn't exactly tell me who actually wrote this.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

But whoever did write this did not stop at verse five where it says remember his marvelous works. But he begins to remember his marvelous works. He says oh, seed of Abraham, his servant, you, children of Jacob, his chosen ones. He is the Lord, our God. His judgments are in all the earth. He remembers his covenant forever, the word which he commanded for a thousand generations.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

I don't know why I came to Psalm 105. Just a couple of days ago I was trying to figure out what the Lord wanted to show me and I don't know how I even end up in Psalm 105. I just know that this was the springboard this whole chapter was the springboard of where this message is going to go. So bear with me as we go through the verses. What jumps out at me is verse eight. He remembers his covenant forever, the word which he commanded. It jumped out at me as I continued reading and it just kept. It just kept echoing back in my mind that he remembers his covenant forever, the word which he commanded. So he says in verse nine the covenant which he made with Abraham, his oath to Isaac and confirmed it to Jacob for a statute to Israel, an everlasting covenant.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

See, in order for this psalmist to begin to praise the Lord and remember his marvelous, wondrous works, he had to remember where it came from. He had to remember his father's, father's father's. It all went all the way back to Abraham. God made a covenant with Abraham and continued that covenant through his son Isaac, and continued that covenant through his son Jacob, who later then became Israel. And so he's remembering how faithful God has been, how he remembered his covenant to Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob, to Israel. And he remembered how he said to him to you, I will give the land of Canaan as an allotment of your inheritance.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Who did he say that? To Abram, I give you this land when they were few and number indeed very few and strangers in it, when they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people, he permitted no one to do them wrong. And if you read the account of Abraham, no one was allowed to touch him. That word that that Elder John brought up today no weapon formed against you shall prosper. If you read the account of Abraham, there was none weapon that formed against Abraham that ever prospered against him. Even when it looked bleak, the Lord delivered him. When he went against the kings, the Lord delivered him. In every battle, the Lord delivered Abraham. There was no, not one battle that Abraham lost. There was not anyone that came against Abraham. That defeated Abraham.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

It says, yes, he rebuked kings for their sakes. Do you remember how the king of Bimelech and Pharaoh, the king in Egypt, were rebuked? Do you remember how he lied to about his own wife, who was, you know, his, his instead of his sister? The kings were rebuked for their sayings for Abraham's sakes. He said, saying do not touch mine anointed ones and do my profits no harm.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Abraham was a prophet and in some sense, he was also a king. Moreover, he called for a famine in the land. He destroyed all the provision of bread. And then something else started highlighting to me. Yes, he remembers his covenant forever. But then I start seeing. He called for a famine in the land. Abraham didn't call for a famine in the land. Egypt didn't call for a famine in the land. He called for a famine in the land. He destroyed all the provision of bread. I start seeing God is doing things.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

It says in verse 17,. He sent a man before them. Who was that man? Joseph, who was sold as a slave. God sent a man. Now we know Joseph's account, how his brothers did this and how, how the Ishmaelites did that and selling them off to the Egyptians, and how how he was in Potiphar's house and what the woman did to him. But it says he sent a man before them. It was God that brought this Joseph through all of his trials and tribulations that we saw that we could blame this person and that person and this person.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

But it was God that did that to Joseph. They hurt his feet with fetters. He was laid an iron until the time that his word came to pass, the word that it received by vision, by dream about people were going to be bowing to him, the stars and the haystacks. The word of the Lord tested him. All of that accounts that we see from, from how his brothers treated him, to being sold to the Ishmaelites, to being sold to the Egyptians to being raised up in Potiphar's house, then to having to go into jail. All of that time the word of the Lord was testing him, was trying him, and he was a child of promise.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

He was in the lineage of Abraham, isaac and Jacob. It says the king sent and released him, took him out of the jail, and the ruler of the people let him go free. He was set free by that Pharaoh, and it says he made him Lord of his house. There it is again. God made Joseph Lord of the Pharaoh's house. Now we can look at the account and give the credit to Pharaoh. But no, it was God that put him there in the first place. He made him Lord of his house and ruler of all of his possessions to bind his princes at his pleasure and to teach elders his wisdom.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Israel also came into Egypt. His father then came into Egypt and Jacob dwelt in the land of hand and he increased his people greatly. He made them stronger than their enemies and he turned their heart to hate his people. God was actively involved in the affairs of all of his men and the men that were surrounding him. He was causing all of these things to happen, to deal craftily with his servants. And so what jumps out at me is God is intimately involved in the lives and the affairs of his people. He's not this deist God that is a far off, having created man and left man to his own self. God is intimately involved in the affairs of his people, causing things to happen and to take place, even things that Joseph didn't ask for, even things that Abraham didn't ask to go through. He went through them anyway, regardless of their feelings, regardless of their desires, regardless of what plans they had for themselves. God was putting them through things and, as it said, until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Does it matter really to God what our desires are? And sometimes, if we think carnally, that's very hard for us to accept. And yet the world is spinning, is it not? On its own axis? And the world is spinning around the sun, is it not? And yet there is a scripture that says that he is the potter, we are the clay, and he's spinning us on a table, and he's the one that is reshaping us. He is the one that is making us and molding us and putting stuff in us and taking stuff out of us. He is the one that has us on this spinning wheel and it doesn't matter what the clay thinks. It doesn't matter what the clay says. The potter is going to do with the clay as he sees fit. And it continues.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

He sent Moses, his servant, and Aaron, whom he had chosen. It wasn't Moses's bright idea. It wasn't Aaron's bright idea to do all of the account that we saw them do. God made it possible. God was the one that intervened and made it so that Moses would return back to Egypt, made it so Aaron, his brother, would go with him. It says they performed. Who signs His signs among them and wonders in the land of hand.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

It says he sent darkness. It says he made it dark and they did not rebel against his word. He turned their waters into blood. He killed their fish, their land abounded with frogs. Even in the chambers of their kings he spoke and their came swarms of flies and lice in all their territory. He gave them hail for rain and flaming fire in the land. God is the one that's sovereign. God is the one that's doing all of these things. It doesn't matter what man said, what man thought, what man asked for. It says he struck their vines, also in their fig trees and splintered the trees of their territory. He spoke and locusts came, and young locusts without number, eating up all the vegetation of the land and devouring the fruit of the ground. He also destroyed all the first born in the land, the first of all, their strength. He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among his tribes.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Now, see, we go back to the beginning. The beginning of that chapter was he remembers his covenant, the word which he commanded. All that he is doing is he is making sure that his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, who became Israel, and through Joseph and through Moses, is coming to pass. He is ensuring that the word which he commanded is going to be brought to fruition. That's why he saw intimately evolved in the affairs, because if he didn't, he would not be God. Once he decrees something in heaven, it echoes, it reverberates, like a pebble thrown into the middle of a pond. It creates waves, but it hasn't reached the shore yet. And once it reaches the shore, it then makes effect to the shoreline. And so God has decreed things in heaven and he is intimately intervening into the lives of men, the shore, and making it so, making it come to pass.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Egypt was glad when they departed, for the fear of them had fallen upon them. And then he spread a cloud for a covering and a fire to give light in the night. A cloud by day and a fire by night. He's the one that did this. The people ask, and he brought quail and satisfied them with the bread of heaven. He opened the rock and water gushed out. It ran in the dry places like a river, for he remembered his holy promise and Abraham, his servant.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

All of that testimony, 40 something verses, is because he was remembering his covenant. He's remembering His word, and when I finished reading that, I could not help, but but think that He is not not only is he a covenant maker, He's a covenant keeper. He is kingdom-minded. That he is a covenant maker, covenant keeper, but he's never a covenant breaker. He was actively involved, engaged, intervening. To do what? To uphold his promise, to uphold his covenant, to uphold his word, and he did that for his chosen servant, abraham, and his chosen people, the seed of Abraham.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

And so it reminds me as I, as I study, as I read, other scriptures come to my mind, because he brings the other scriptures to reinforce what he's trying to to, I guess, help me to understand, help me to remember, help me to hold on to, is in Jeremiah 1, 12,. It says then the Lord said into me that has well seen, for I will hasten my word to perform it. And the other version say I'm watching over my word to do it, to let it be so. I mean, he's just vigilantly watching over his words so that when it's ready, boom, he's going to bring it to pass. And it didn't happen all in a flash, it didn't happen all in life. It happened through generations. That his word is being fulfilled, and even at this point it had not yet totally been fulfilled. But he's keeping his word to Abraham and his seed.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

And then I thought of his word is his promise, is it not? He has promised something to Abraham. He has promised something to Isaac, to Jacob, to Israel, and he is. He's just watching over their lives, he's watching over what's happening in all their circumstances and he's watching over his word to continue to be faithful to the promise that he made. And it says in Luke 24, 49, jesus said behold, I send the promise of my father upon you, but Terry, in the city of Jerusalem, and to you are in dude with power from on high.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

God's word, god's covenant is his promise and being assembled together with them. In Acts, chapter one, verse four, he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the father, which he said you have heard from me If you follow the account in John. He was constantly talking about the promise of the father, the comforter, the Holy ghost, he says in Acts 233,. Therefore, being exalted to the right hand of God and having received from the father the promise of the Holy spirit, he poured out this, which you now see in here. Peter, you know, was preaching the gospel on the day of Pentecost and explaining what the people were seeing and hearing and said basically, you have seen the promise fulfilled, for they have received the gift of the Holy ghost. And Acts 239, he says for the promise is to you and who? To your children and to all who are far off, as many as our Lord, our God, will call.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

And that links right back to Abraham, whom he called out of seemingly nowhere. He chose one man in the earth to make a covenant, and that covenant has spanned generations and generations, a thousand generations to hear. We are taking part of that promise, that covenant. You see, paul was explaining this many times in many letters. And he says in Romans for the promise that he would be heir of the world was not to Abraham. He's explaining it. Yes, the promise was made to Abraham, but he says the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void in the promise of none effect. He's explaining in Romans four, verse 13 and 14.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Paul is specifying that, yes, the promise was made to Abraham, but it was not that he would be the heir of the world. He says in verse 16 of Romans, chapter four therefore, it is a faith that it might be according to the grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed. He is faithful to Abraham, he is faithful to Isaac, he is faithful to Jacob and Israel and all of their descendants, and Joseph and Moses, all the way through the line, that line that well, it was there. I don't even know where he moved it to. It's gone but that, that holy line of where Jesus was birth, because Jesus is the seed, as we read in Romans, chapter nine, because the promise was to be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, in other words, not only to the Jews was this promise made to, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

You see, abraham was not just like the, the prototypical Jew. He wasn't the first Jew. He didn't just represent the Jews, he represented those that were not Jews. Why? Because when he was called, he wasn't circumcised like Jews were not originally. He was called from the world. He represented a Gentile who responded to God by faith, not through the law. You all know the law came way after Abraham. So he is a representative of those who have put their faith in God, if faith in his word. And so, in Romans nine, paul continues it.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect, for they are not all Israel who are of Israel. In other words, it's not a blood thing, it's not a skin thing, it's not a skin tone or anything like that. It's not about the genetics, it's not about the DNA, nor are they all children because they are of the seed of Abraham. Just because they were descended of Abraham, they aren't all the seed. But he said in Isaac your seed shall be called. And Isaac was the child of what promise?

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

The promise, the word, the covenant, that is, those who are of the children of the flesh. These are not the children of God, but the children of promise are counted as seed. So the question is are we the children of promise? Well, I just read about the promise that Jesus spoke of. He says don't leave Jerusalem till you endued with the promise of the father. So the promise is now akin to you receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. If you receive the promise, you're a child of the promise. You are this seed that Paul is referring to. He says this, furthermore, to the Galatians in chapter 3, 14, that the blessing of Abraham, which is also called the gift of God, which is also called the promise of the father, that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive what? The promise of the spirit through faith. Galatians, chapter 3, verse 14.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

And if I go to verse 16, it says now to Abraham and his seed, where the promise is made, he does not say and to seed as of many, but as of one, and to your seed. Who is Christ? Christ is the seed, but when you come into Christ, when you are baptized in the Holy Ghost, you come into Christ spiritually and you then become a partaker of all that was promised to Christ, the seed, it says in verse 29. If you are Christ, then you are Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise. Romans, chapter 9. To confirm what he just said here in his word. Romans, chapter 8, verse 9,. It says but you're not in the flesh but in the spirit. If so, be that the spirit of God dwell in you. Now, if any man not have the spirit of Christ, he is none of his. So we need to have the Spirit of Christ in order to appropriate the promises of God, because that's how we become his seed. When we come into Christ, we become his seed, and when we become his seed, we then can become partakers of the promise.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

It says in other, in other scriptures. We we are given power to become what? Sons of God, and that power is given to us by the Holy Spirit. He says in Ephesians, paul, again Paul, in Ephesians, chapter 3, verse 5 through 6, which in other ages, this thing that we're talking about here. This was in other ages. This was not made known to the sons of men. Old covenant states did not understand what was going on here. But it says and it has now been revealed by the Spirit to his holy apostles and prophets Paul is writing this because Paul is Understood and received the revelation that he has been describing and displaying in all of his letters that it's not the Jews, it is those that receive Jesus by faith, receiving In by faith, receiving his spirit, the promise of the father.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

And it says by doing this, the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, heirs of the promise. And the promise was seen so clearly in the old covenant. God was so faithful to keep his promise throughout all generations and Psalms 105 depicts that very clearly. In a nutshell, you read the whole old covenant, you would also see that yourself. The Gentiles should be fellow heirs of the same body and partakers of what his promise in Christ through the gospel, because without the gospel you don't receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. See, cornelius needed to hear the gospel. He was a nice man, gave arms to the poor's good reputation, worshiping God, but he needed to hear the gospel. And when he did hear the gospel. Damn, it didn't even get done. He received the gift of the Holy Ghost, him and his whole household. They all started speaking in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance and now the promise was for him. Now the promise for his wife and his children and all in his household, his servants and all.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

There's a lot that we go through. There's a lot that God puts us through in this life. There's a lot of stuff that we don't want to go through, a lot of trials, a lot of tribulations, a lot of things that we Persecuted about, things that we don't want to hear disagreements, fights and quarrels. And we're no different than the Saints of old. Even Joseph asked for that. Abraham asked to go through all that. Moses, you think he asked to go through all that. Aaron, david asked to go through all that. None of them asked to go through all that, because the clay Doesn't tell the pot or what to do with himself. The potter is Absolutely sovereign. It doesn't matter what it looks like in the natural, god is still on the throne. It doesn't matter that the world was gonna end when Obama became president, god was still on the throne. And doesn't matter who becomes president, god is still on the throne.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

David said in Psalm 25 to oh my god, I trust in you. Let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me. He said in verse 20 keep my soul and deliver me. Let me not be ashamed, for I put my trust in you and that's the key, that's the clays part In the midst of being turned on the table in dizzying confusion, not understanding what's going on in our life. It is our responsibility, regardless of everything, to make sure that we continue to maintain our trust in the Lord, because I don't know where I'm going, I'm not what I'm gonna be doing tomorrow. I have an idea, but I can't guarantee it, much less. Five years, ten years, twenty years from now. But I do know this. Then my God knows. My God knows exactly what I'm gonna go through tomorrow, five years from now, ten years from now, twenty years from now. He knows exactly who I'm gonna lose along the way. He knows exactly when my moment will come, that I will be gone from this life. I Don't have to worry about any of that. I shouldn't worry about any of that. I need to daily put my trust in him because he knows. I Know that, he knows. So I need to rest in knowing that my God knows. I Think some of us find that hard sometimes. Maybe that's why we need this message. We need to put our trust in God, knowing that he knows when we don't know.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

I read these scriptures. I share all of these with you and another point comes to mind. The first one was very simple he's a covenant maker and a covenant keeper and he never breaks covenant. But the second thing that comes to my mind, that that flashes out of me very brightly, is His purpose will always override and supersede our feelings and desires in this life. It really really doesn't matter what we want, where we want to go, what we want to be. If God is sovereign, if we are truly the clay on the wheel, then there's nothing that we can say or do, because God is sovereign and God is gonna put us through situations, because God's overriding will purpose is that we be conformed into who, His image, and, and only God knows how to do that, how to do that, when to do that, with what utensils and and things to use and how fast to spin them and how slow to go.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

I don't have the slightest idea how to be conformed to do his image, because I'm marred, I'm fallen. I have to trust in the One that hasn't fallen. The One that has no darkness within Him, has never lied, has always been found faithful and true. So we have to put our lives in His hands, even when we don't know what job I need, what. Where, where do what I live? What car do I need to get? What house do I need to get what? What mate? What spouse do I need to have? Do I need to have a spouse?

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Echo to me so clearly when I thought of Revelation 17: 17. His purpose and will always overrides and supersedes our feelings and desires in this life. It says for God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose. God has already got a plan, it's already written out. He's already made the conditions and those conditions, if you meet them you obtain eternal life. But you don't meet those conditions, you're going away, you're being dealt with, you're being done with. God has put it in their hearts of fulfillment purpose to be of one mind and to give their kingdom to the beast In the last days. That is what's going to happen.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

It doesn't say you, it doesn't name people, but it says there will be a certain people that he will put his purpose in their hearts to fulfill it, and there's nothing they can do about it. It's going to happen, but not because he's forcing them. Don't get it wrong. They've chosen that route because they could have chosen another route and could have been saved, and God would have saved them. But there are certain that are choosing not to choose Him. They're choosing not to accept his salvation, they're choosing not to accept His blood, they're choosing not to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and so their outcome is sure, just as much as the outcome of a child of God is sure. You will become perfect in the day of Christ Jesus. You will stand before Him in righteousness and in holiness. It's fair. But he's given us the decision of what destiny do we want to have?

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

So when we end, psalm 105, going back to what we started with, it says in verse 43 through 45, he brought out his people with joy, his chosen ones with gladness. He gave them the lands of the Gentiles and they inherited the labor of the nations. Why? That they might observe his statutes and keep his laws. Why did he put all of his people through everything that they went through? Because, in the end, that he wanted them to observe his statutes and keep his laws. If you turn to Ezekiel 36, 26, there was a promise, there was a new covenant that he said, a new heart. Also, will I give you a new spirit, will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and will give you a heart of flesh and I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and ye shall keep my judgments and do them. Remember the promise is the gift of the Holy Ghost. The promise is for a purpose, is not simply for the sake of saying, oh yeah, I'm saved now. The promise is so that you would be caused by him within you to walk in his statutes, to keep his judgments and do them. I think a Job.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Did Job ask to go through what he went through? Did he ask to lose his family? On the contrary, he prayed diligently for his family. Consistently, it says he was faithful to do such things. And still what happened? They were wiped out, his possessions wiped out, and still he had to go through quote unquote friends through 37 chapters of questionings and answerings and dialogues and basically condemning him for being unrighteous. Yet they had no knowledge that the Lord, from the very beginning, was what Testing him. Did Satan choose Job? No, the Lord chose Job. What about Job, my servant?

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

It was God that did that, just like he brought the plagues, just like he opened up the Red Sea, just like he brought them through the rivers. He, he, he does that. He is intervening in your life to bring you where you need to be. And Job, through it all, was found faithful. Did he want to know why? Sure, any one of us going through what he did do would want to know, why, would want to sit down with God. But why, god?

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

What happened? Did I do something wrong? I thought I was doing everything right and God didn't answer him on that. He just simply said were you there when I did this? Did I counsel you when I did that? So much so that Job was in silence and recognized who am I? Lord, I'm simply the potter, excuse me, the clay. I'm in your hands. You do with me as you please. And we need to remember that and hold fast, trusting that God knows what's best for us. And God has got a purpose. We must trust in God's purpose, even when we don't know what that purpose is, but he's given us enough to know that his purpose is not for our ill, but it's for our good. It's not to harm us, it's to give us a future and a hope. He's given us enough of his word, enough of his promise that we can hold on, so that we don't despair when the trials and the tribulations come and the things don't go our way and the refrigerator keeps breaking on us and the car keeps messing up and I don't know where we're gonna get a new car and I don't know where we're gonna get our money. And I've gotta pay for this for my child and I've gotta pay for that for my other child. Hey, God's got it all taken care of. Remain faithful to him and he will always remain faithful to you, because he is in the business of keeping covenant with you.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Sometimes the Lord puts us through, purposely, puts us through adversities we don't desire, and sometimes there's a very specific reason. He gave a specific reason in Jeremiah 36:3. This isn't the only reason, this is just one that was revealed to us. He said that it may be that the house of Judah will hear all the adversities which I purpose to bring upon them. You see, sometimes we go through adversities that God purposely put in our life and for these people, for this state of people, he said that everyone may turn away from his evil way and that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin. He did that on purpose, because they weren't turning to him. So he purposely put adversity in their life so that they would what turn to him, so that they would what repent and cry out his name. And he wanted to forgive them. But he couldn't forgive them without them repenting. So he did what was necessary to get them to cry out to him again. So he put adversity in their path. He put trials and tribulations on purpose in them. But we look at Job. It doesn't say he was test. He was doing that for Job so that he would repent. He was just testing him so that he would know what his faith is and his faith remained true.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

So when, knowing that we have to put our faith in God, in his purposes, it helps us understand that, to everything that there is what A season? Ecclesiastes three. And there's a time for every purpose under heaven A time to be born, a time to die, a time to plan, a time to pluck what is planted, a time to kill, a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up. A time to weep and a time to laugh and a time to mourn and a time to dance. A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to gain and a time to lose. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to so. A time to keep silence and a time to speak and a time to love and a time to hate. A time of war and a time of peace. Is that not life In God's little nutshell? That's life right there, ups and downs, all throughout, and all the while.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

We need to remember I'm on the Potter's Wheel. I'm on the Potter's Wheel. He's got my best purpose interest at heart. I'm on the Potter's Wheel. It's not like I'm in the devil's territory. No, I'm on the Potter's Wheel. My Potter's my father. He's gonna take care of me. This may hurt and I may cry, I may laugh, I may have to keep silent, I may have to say something, I may break down, I may need to be built up. I may be hurt, I may need to heal. I may need to do all of these things, but that's life, and in Christ he takes care of me All throughout.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

For it says in Ecclesiastes 3, 17,. God shall judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time there for every purpose and every work. So it's important for us to recognize the highs and lows and the different seasons that we experience are according to His purpose. Jesus. Example that I'll give you four verses Mark 1, 38. Jesus said let us go into the next towns that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth. He said in Luke 4, 43, I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also because for this purpose I have been sent.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

In John 12, 27,. Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour, but for this purpose I came to this hour. See, Jesus recognized that his life, the purpose of his life, was in God's hand and He embraced it. When He went and preached, was it all lovey-dovey? Everybody throw flower petals and palm branches before me. No, He was ridiculed. He was persecuted. They tried to take him many times. They spoke ill of him, they brought false witnesses against him, but He did it anyway because He trusted in His father's purpose for His life. He even says in Acts 2:23, after he had died, was buried in Rose. Again, it says him meaning Jesus being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

Everything that Jesus went through was according to God's purpose, but Jesus embraced it. He didn't fight it. It may have seemed like he was struggling on the Garden of Gethsemane during that prayer, but in the end what did he do? He succumbed. I am the clay I am in my father's hands. I will do whatever he puts me through, and if it means my death, then not my will, but yours. Be done. See, god's purpose overrides even our will. It doesn't matter what we want. We must be ready to align ourselves with God's will.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

He embraced his father's purpose for himself. He trusted in God's faithfulness and being found faithful to the end. Jesus was found faithful to the end. What did he find at the end? That himself was faithful to his words, because even he repeated words that he had already prophesied through the spirit of Christ in the Old Testament prophets. He found himself to be faithful to his word, his will and his purpose. So it helps us to understand why Paul said in Romans 828, we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 111,. In him also, we obtained an inheritance being predestined according to the purpose of him, who works all things according to the counsel of his will. When it says, in him also, we have obtained the inheritance, he's talking about the children of prophecy. He's talking about the seed. He's talking about the heirs by faith. He's not talking about the whole world. And he says in Ephesians 311, according to the eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

There are many differing purposes that we go through things in our life and they you can, we can look at it in a micro level and look at the little things that have caused us. You know these little changes, but we must not forget that there is an eternal purpose. There's an overriding purpose that God has. One of them the restitution of all things. Well, how can he bring everything back into its perfect state that he originally created it if he doesn't take care of man and redeem mankind? Mankind can't stay imperfect. So he must bring mankind to perfection and he's promised that he will bring his children to perfection. The others he'll do away with because they chose him not when he had chosen them.

j - Jesus M. RUiz:

So I guess what I want to encourage you with today is to remember God has a purpose for everything that you go through. Don't lose heart, don't faint, don't be ashamed at things that we're going through, telling your brethren the things that you're struggling with. God has a purpose. Remember that he will work all things for your good because you are called and you love him. Amen. Thus is the ministry of our Father's heart through us. Our utmost desire is to be in the Father's heart, to know the Father's heart and express the Father's heart to you. If you appreciate listening to this podcast and were blessed, pass it along to someone else by text, email or word of mouth in the hopes that they might be positively impacted, as you were. If you are interested in supporting our efforts, we would ask you to consider the following 1. Pray for us. 2. Leave a positive rating or review with whomever you listen to our podcast with. 3. If you desire to contribute monetarily, you can do so at paypal. me/jbenjesus or cash app $jbenjesus or Venmo -jbenjesus jbenjesus That's J-B-E-N-J-E-S-U-S. God bless.

Psalm 105
God's Promise and Faithfulness to Abraham
God's Promise and Purpose
Recognizing God's Purpose in Trials
God's Purpose in Our Lives