Our Father's Heart

Topics for Young Adults part 5 (Divorce) | Ep. 84

Jesus M. Ruiz & Patricia Ruiz Episode 84

This episode starts off by briefly recapping where we have come from thus far in this series, but before we get back to our series and share our conversation on divorce, I wanted to take the liberty of using the first part of this episode to share with you some interesting information that I came across lately that I feel was important to share about marriage and family. I also wanted to share my personal experience of being raised up in a divorced family. Although, I have shared my testimony in previous episodes, there are some deeper details here that I have not shared in previous testimonies. I hope that you who are listening will come to appreciate how much the Father loves you and will bring restoration to you if you will surrender your hearts to Him.
Our conversation will touch upon divorce never being God's intention, but that of man's, due to his own hardness of heart. In the beginning it was not so (Matt 16:7,8). My wife will also share about the divorce she suffered and some of her experience regarding that before marrying me.

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