Our Father's Heart

Topics for Young Adults part 8 (Temptation to Sin-Hope-Forgiveness) | Ep. 87

Jesus M. Ruiz & Patricia Ruiz Episode 87

We close out our series by addressing how the removal of God from our lives continues to lead to increasing numbers of mental health issues. Also, rather than seeing the influence of the Church on the world, we are now seeing a greater degree of influence of the world on the Church because the world and many saints are succumbing to the seductress, the immoral woman who tempts all the world to sin. This harlot is leading countless souls to the deep pit of hell. We look at the examples of Samson, Joseph, and Lot on how to deal with this seductress, but we can't ignore and neglect that we are fallen and have the inherent propensity to sin.

Yet above all this, there is still hope, forgiveness, and blessing that is reserved for the man or woman who will repent and receive the sacrifice of Jesus as the offering for our sin. The person that will cry out to Him in humility for mercy and forgiveness, acknowledging his own sin and resting in His tender mercies and lovingkindness. This is for the man who will after all this, will present himself, his own members, as slaves of righteousness for holiness from now on, ever after.

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