Our Father's Heart

Kingdom of God in You | Ep. 118

Jesus M. Ruiz Episode 118

This message is for anyone in the body of Christ who needs to be uplifted... encouraged... and reminded that all you need is found in the Kingdom of God and that the Kingdom of God is in you!

"Message Our Father's Heart a Question or Response"

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Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

The vision received was that of blood cells traveling throughout the body, supplying the much needed oxygen and other nutrients to the differing members of the body to fulfill their purpose. Once the blood cells are spent, they must return back to the heart to be refilled before being sent out again and fulfill their purpose. Good morning everyone. It's good to be with you all today. I am glad to be here, glad to see all of your faces. I believe the Lord wants to speak to somebody here today. I think he wants to speak to somebody who's been in the trenches a long, long time and may have felt alone, working in the ministry of the Kingdom at some time in their life. I believe the Lord wants to speak to someone that has been struggling with things going on in their lives, out of their hands family, siblings, relatives, sons and daughters that are not yet where they should be, not yet where we think that they can be in the Lord. I think the Lord wants to speak to somebody here who is fearful. I believe the Lord wants to speak to some people here that are struggling. I believe the Lord wants to speak to some here that are in covenant, trying to get in covenant, and are not yet in covenant. Many of you know what that means. I think there are some that he wants to speak to here that he hasn't seen for a while. Did you see your cars? I haven't seen him in a while. I believe the Lord wants to speak to some here that have been in the faith and have seen lots of things that the Lord has done and they're still waiting on the Lord to do some other things. I believe he's here to speak to the young. He's here to speak to those that are old, those that are seasoned, those that know the Word and those that don't really have a good grasp on the Word. Is there anybody in the house like that today? Because I believe the Lord wants to speak to you and I fit that bill and I know he's going to speak to me through me, and so the question is is there anybody in the house that is willing to listen? Are there any candidates in the house that want to hear from the Lord today?

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

Jesus chose 12 men, and from those 12 men, other disciples came in, and then there were 70. And we know that by the time he died, was buried and ascended. There were at least 120 in the upper room, but there was one particular day during the days of his flesh he had not yet died and he commissioned 70 to go out and do something beyond their capability. He said to them that the harvest truly is great. In Luke 10, verse two through 11. He says but there's not many laborers. He said to them to pray to the Lord that he would send others into the harvest.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

He said go your ways. Behold, I send you forth as lambs among the wolves. He tells them very upfront you're going to go and meet a lot of resistance and your life may be in danger, but I'm sending you anyway, just like lambs are in the midst of wolves. That is how dangerous my commission to you is. He told him to not carry a purse, nor a script, nor shoes and salute no man on the way and some people read that in my thing. Well, he was telling them to be rude. If you translate that to today and you listen to the voice of the Spirit today, he is sending his people out and he does not want them to be distracted with what's in their purse or what their iPhone is telling them, or their iPad is telling them, or their Samsung Galaxy doesn't want them to worry about how they're going to get there, how they're going to be provided for. Don't be distracted. I'm sending you out to do a mission and I don't want you to think about anything else other than what I'm requiring of you out there.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

He sent them and he said into whatsoever house you enter, first say peace, be to this. Think about, naturally, that you're going to enter into someone's house, like we see so many other religious ministries doing, going house to house to house. I want you to think of the house that he was speaking of here as people's lives. I want you to enter into people's lives and I want you to speak peace to them. And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it. In other words, if they receive you in kind with the peace that you're bringing to them, then remain there, partake with them. If not, your peace is going to return back to you again.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

And if you come into the house where you were received in peace because you brought peace, he says, remain eating, drinking, such things as they give. You see, when you enter into someone's life and they receive of you like a growing friendship, that maybe starts out as an acquaintance- ship, you begin to exchange with one another. They begin to give you eat and drink and I'm not talking materially, I'm talking spiritually. They begin to give to you and you begin to give to them things that they need in their life, and that's the way it should be. So your song today, let me be a blessing to someone that comes my way is almost the pinpoint of what I'm trying to share with you today, because some of us they gun-notch it evangelism. They think that all they have to do is share with someone about the good news and if they believe it, they knock, they put a notch on their little gun belt and they are got one here, I got one there, and they move on to somebody else and there's no ministry other than the presentation of a good news message. There's no discipleship, there's no growing.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

You know, Paul went about traveling, but even when he went about traveling, he stayed awhile, he ministered unto them, he built them up, he sent them elders, he wrote letters unto them. He didn't just leave them, but he remained there with them to see them grow and mature in the faith. And it's something we need to consider in this day that we're not just there to preach the gospel, although that's integral and important. But he also said somewhere teach all nations, making disciples of them. He said very clearly for the labor is worthy of his hire. When you are exchanging with them and they are giving you food and drink, that's normal. You're a blessing to them with the good news message and they want to be a blessing back to you. And they want to give you a dinner every once in a while. Oh, they want to invite you over to spend some time with them, or maybe spend some time to go, you know, see a basketball game or a football game, or to just hang out, have a barbecue. And now the life that you carry within you is now being shared with one that does not have what you have.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

And he says go, not from house to house. He says very clearly don't just go popping from house to house. Stay there, remain with them, work with them, feed them, take them where they need to go to, like a teacher who just wants to teach the subject and have the students learn with them. And we remain with them for almost a year or a semester. We don't just throw it out there and say, okay, you're on your own and we leave. So he doesn't want them to go. He doesn't want his people that he's sending out to go from house to house.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

He says whatsoever city you enter and they receive you, eat such things that are set before you. And he's just using the same analogy. If it's not just a house but it's a group, a city bigger than a house, remain with them, work with them, engage with them. No more of this gun notch evangelism. And then he also says and heal the sick that are there in and say unto them. Say unto them. First thing you said unto them peace be to you, peace be to this house. The second thing you say to them when you're healing the sick and you're working with the kingdom of God has come to you. The kingdom of God has come nigh unto you. He says furthermore, but into whatsoever city you enter and they receive you not, don't get offended, go your way. Go out to the streets and say even the very dust of your city which cleaveth unto us, we just wipe it off. Not withstanding, be sure of this that the kingdom of God has come to you. So he's telling them some are going to receive you, remain with them and work with them, and some are not going to receive you. Does he tell you to fight with them? To battle, to wage war over philosophies and ideologies and doctrine? Wipe off your feet? Hey, but before I go, know that the kingdom of God has come to you. Leave them with that message. Know that the kingdom of God is coming to you because you don't know. But somewhere down the line the Lord is going to send another labor and it's going to give that same kingdom message that you just gave them that they didn't receive the first time and they're going to hear it again and maybe they'll see some more signs and wonders, and then they'll be connected. Then they'll receive what? That which they did not receive at first.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

You read the account. You know that the disciples came back to him after being sent out and doing all of these things that he said would be done. Remember they did not have the Holy Ghost, not like some of us have here. The 70 returned again with joy in verse 17, saying Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. And he said to them who. You do not know what I saw. I beheld Satan falling like lightning from heaven. I mean, he was just blasted out. You should have seen it. What you did. You should have seen what you just did to the enemy. Because they didn't see that he said behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. They did not have the Holy Ghost, yet they were given power to do that to the enemy, to send him out of heaven like lightning falling. He said, not withstanding in this, rejoice, not that I've given you power, not that the spirits are subject unto you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

God is not trying to show out and show off for the sake of showing out and showing off. He's in the kingdom business of winning souls. He wants names written in the book of heaven. He wants a body to return to him, to be one with him. It was broken in that day in the garden and he has had a plan since before it happened, of how he's going to bring that creation back to oneness with him, back to that relationship that he wanted with him, and that is his overriding concern. And if he does it with or without power, it makes no difference. He wants people rescued and people saved. He stops and he says, in that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and he said I thank the old father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you hid these things from the wise and prudent, the very things I just spoke of of going out and ministry and staying in people's houses and ministering to them and delivering them and healing them sick and telling them to be to bring peace into them and telling them that the kingdom of God is coming to them.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

These things you hid from the wise and the prudent of the world and you made it known. You revealed it to babes. And if you were one of those seventies, one of those 70 that came back rejoicing and you might have heard him speak, that you might get offended. He called you babes. But you don't understand something that in order to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven you have to be the least. Everything is reversed in the kingdom because in the world it's all about pride, it's about a flaunting, power and authority. And yet in the kingdom of heaven you realize you don't have any power, you don't have any authority. You can't heal on your own, you can't minister comfort, consolation and building up an encouragement like that of the kingdom without the kingdom. You revealed it to babes and father, you, you, you did it so because you saw it. You saw it good in your site, just like when you were on the days of creation. You made it and you said it's good. This is, this is very good. It says all things are delivered to me of my father.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

Jesus said and no man know what the who the son is but the father, and who the father is but the son and he to whom the son will reveal him. These are the things that have been given to babes, these are the things that have been given to the children of God. You see, when we go out and we are commissioned and we are sent and we are apostolized, there is an attitude that we need to have in order to be effective, it says. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased and he said to them in Mark 10, 14 through 15, he said suffer the little children to come unto me, and the come unto me. Forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

The kingdom of God is not made for the wise and the prudent of the world, not the powerful of the world, not the rich of the world. It was made for the babes, it was made for those that are not highly thought of, it was made for those that are broken and contrite hearts, because those are the them that God will not despise. He will not turn from them. He will not turn from the humble, he will not turn from those that are seeking him or that simply don't even know how to cry out to him but they desire him, that, knowing what Him is. So he said to the disciples suffer them, suffer the little children to come to me and forbid them not. For I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. The kingdom of God cannot be received unless you're likened unto a babe, a child, and you know that children are ignorant and they're foolish and they don't know everything, even though they may act like they do. But the kingdom of God was made for them, whether you agree with that or not. It was good in his sight to do such a thing, to give it into the babes, the humble, the meek, the lowly of heart and I remember this 70 and I thought about it was 700 that would not bow their knee to bail. And when Jesus came in the days of flesh there was only 70, and yet the common thread is that number seven, completion, perfection. Is there at least seven here today? Is there at least seven here today that wants the kingdom of God to be active in their life?

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

See, when Jesus was about to be ascended into heaven, he spoke some last words unto his disciples, in Matthew 28, verse 18, he said Jesus came, he's spake unto him, to them, and he said and I'm going to read the parallel passages of this event if you will, I'm going to read Matthew, I'm going to remark, I'm going to meet Luke and I want us to see the whole picture. All power, he said, is given unto me in heaven and in earth. That's how he starts it. All power. He had already died, he was already resurrected, he's about to be ascended and he said all power is given to me in heaven and in earth.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

And I send you, go, teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost and his name is teaching them to observe all things, all things whatsoever. I have commanded you and low, I am with you always, even until the end of the world. I'm sending you out, I want you to teach all nations. I don't want you to hold any grudges, hold any ill will, because my gospel is not just for Israel, it's open to all nations. They didn't even get it then. It is open to all nations. I'm sending you out to all nations to give them my gospel, to baptize them in my name and to teach them to observe all the things that I've commanded you. And I want you to know that I'm sending you out there, yet I am with you, always, always I am with you, even until the end. I am with you. Don't forget, I am with you. Remember those words, let them reverberate in your recollection, in your memory of what's about to happen here. Because he said all heaven, all power in heaven and earth is given unto me, and I'm telling you to go out and do these things and remember that I am with you always, not sometimes, not in the dire moments, but always I am with you. And if you read Mark 16, another parallel passage of the same event, in verse 15, he said to them go into all the world, preach the gospel to every creature, every creature. He that believeth and his baptized shall be saved, but he that believe of not shall be damned. You see the connection between how he sent out the 70, just go and preach the gospel If they believe they're saying, if they don't believe, they're damned. But you move, you stick with those that want to hear.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

Paul on Mars Hill was preaching about this unknown God to the Greeks, but you know what? He didn't stay with them. They wanted to continue discussing the matter, arguing the matter, exchanging and dialogue in the matter. He did not stay, but he stayed only with those that were believing in the things that he was saying and considering the things that he was saying. And then to those he went quietly and continued working with them, and to the others he left behind.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

Yes, Jesus has come to save the whole world. Yes, Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. But the whole world is not going to be saved because most of the world is going to reject his sacrifice. So work with those that are going to be saved and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name. They shall cast out devils, they shall speak with no tongues, they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover, and I love reading that scripture because it makes it seem like they're going to be untouchable. And they are. You see, when you get into the father's love, nothing can separate you from the love of Christ, nothing. Job was touched with infirmities, but nothing separated him from the love of his God, and the same happened to Jesus. Nothing separated him from the love of his father. Nothing not death, not life, no, anything in all creation can separate you from the love of God. You will be untouchable. And in Luke 24, verse 44, he said into them these are the words that I spake unto you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and the Psalms.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

Concerning me, a lot of us, even though we may be in the kingdom, are right there. The Lord is right now progressively revealing unto us understandings and opening the scriptures to us that we had no knowledge of, that we were ignorant of before, and that's a good thing. You don't have to be in the place where you know everything, because you won't ever get there until the day of Christ Jesus. He sent us as babes, not as know it all. Some of us are fearful because we don't have the chapter verse for the scripture. But we can give the word anyway.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

Don't get hung up on chapter verse. Speak the word of the Lord. Let the anointing be what changes the hearts and the minds of people, not whether you knew chapter and verse. That doesn't mean don't study. That doesn't mean don't memorize. That means go in faith and speak the word of the Lord. You know it, it's within you. He said in that very moment, I will give you the words to speak. Don't even think about it, don't even worry about it. I will give it to you because low, I am with you always, even unto the end.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

He opened up their understandings that they might understand the scriptures, and he said thus it is written in a bit hooved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead to third day. And for what reason are we here? That repentance and remission of sins be preached in his name among all nations. The gospel was open up to all nations, not just in Jerusalem, but it began there, and you are witnesses of these things. And behold, I send the promise of my father upon you. But, tarry, in the city of Jerusalem, until you be en dued with power from on high.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

I just read you the three parallel chapters Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. What did he start with? All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. And he ends with don't leave Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high. It resides with Him. It resides with Him. He cannot be divorced from his power. He cannot be separated from his nature. His nature is an omnipotent God. His nature overrides the laws of man, what we call the laws of nature. How did he walk on water? Because the laws of nature have no hold on him? How did he be still the storm? Because the laws of nature have no hold on him? How did he heal the sick? How did he raise the dead? Because the laws of nature have no hold on him. He supersedes them all. So to have him is to have all power in heaven and earth.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

He said something interesting in Matthew and Luke, both parallel passages. Again, he said to the people but if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then what? The kingdom of God has come upon you? There's a connection between the kingdom of God and the Spirit of God. He said in another verse in Luke 11: 20. But if I, with the finger of God, cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God has come upon you. He's saying the very same things he told his disciples to say to them. If they reject you and do not accept your peace, let them know when you leave. Hey, the kingdom of God has come upon you. I'll leave, but know this the kingdom of God has come upon you. Consider what it is you're rejecting right now.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

The Spirit of God and the Kingdom of God are, are one. See, sometimes we talk of power, power and we think of, of, of explosions, we think of the Marvel, DC Comics movies that are making all they have such power and strength. Do you know that Jesus said through his disciples that the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but what Righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. That's power. You see, when you are in the city and you are walking in righteousness that they know not of that's power, when you are testimony is that of the holiness of God. Yes, I look different. Yes, I talk different. Yes, I walk different. That's righteousness and that is the power of the Holy Ghost in the midst of the city, in the midst of the town, in the midst of the community. You are a testimony unto them of what the righteousness of God is.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

Remember he says in Romans 12 one I present my bodies as a living sacrifice, holding an acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And then he furthermore says be not conformed, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, and that you may prove what is that good, what is the acceptable, what is the perfect will of God. You do these things by how, by how, the Spirit of God. See, I'm talking now to those who are in the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God. See, I'm talking now to those in covenant and those that are thinking about getting into covenant and those maybe not in covenant, that the Spirit of God is the key to you walking in righteousness, to you walking in power, to you walking in peace, to you walking in joy. Because then you stop striving, you stop working, you stop doing it all and you depend upon the Lord.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

And I keep saying it to my children, I say it to so many people just do your best and let God handle the rest. That's all you have to worry about. It's not like he doesn't want you to sit back on a couch and just think that you're going to be served everything. No, you go out and do your part and then let God handle the rest. You don't have to do everything, you don't have to know everything, you just have to be a babe. You just have to be a child. Yes, you're supposed to grow up. Yes, you're supposed to mature. Don't mix messages on me.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

Now, here, with the Spirit is trying to say here, okay, but you got to have a faith like that of a child, not ignorant and dumb, believing in tooth fairies, Santi Cl ause and Easter bunnies. But I'm talking about just a sincere faith that when God speaks, amen, so it is. Though I don't see it, though I don't feel it, though I don't experience it, I know God's word is true. I'm gonna believe in God's word. I'm gonna hold on to God's word. I'm gonna hold fast and endure until the end and he will bring it to completion in the day of Christ Jesus. I believe that, even though I don't see it and I keep stumbling and I keep falling and I keep messing up, but, God, I keep coming back to you. God, I keep crying out to you. God, I keep telling you to help me in my unbelief, help me when I'm struggling, help me turn from these things. Oh Lord, I keep coming back to him and he keeps having mercy's renewed for me, day after day after day. God, how I love him. God, how I love you, how I love you, Lord Jesus.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

He said in 1 Corinthians 420, the kingdom of God is not in word. Do you realize that sometimes you can be walking in the kingdom of God and you don't have to say a word? Sometimes you can just, you can just sit next to somebody that's hurt and struggling and you just do this. And this is power. You're ministering healing, you're ministering holding, you're saying you're not alone. And you have to say a word. You're not alone. You're not alone so that you could just be shoulder bumping into somebody. You know they do it out in the world, but we do what his brothers and sisters in Christ, and we're just encouraging one another. I know you down, but hey, it's gonna be all right. Jesus is gonna make it all right. You're not alone, you're never alone.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

Jesus said I am with you, always, amen. He just holds somebody's hand. Maybe it's your wife's hand. You just my dad, just come alongside him. Nonsense and all the stuff that he's involved in. I still love you, still love you, dad, still give you a hug, still give you a kiss, because all I have to depend upon is that God is gonna do a work that I cannot do on my own, because the Lord knows.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

I've tried with my words. I have tried and tried and tried. Hasn't been received, but I'm not quitting, I'm not stopping praying, I'm not stopping believing, I'm gonna hold fast to the word. The promise is unto you and your children and to all those that are far off, that what? Call upon the name of the Lord. We have to control over that. But we do have a responsibility to be sent as a preacher and give the message and, per chance, a few some might hear, might respond. Is there anybody willing to listen? Is there anybody willing to respond To what God is saying to you?

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

And when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said the kingdom of God cometh not by observation. Why are you looking for it? Righteousness, peace and joy is not seeable, it's not tangible, it's spiritual, which is why he says keep your thoughts, keep your mind on things above, things that are eternal things that are unseen. It's you walking in righteousness. It's you walking in peace. It's you walking in joy? It's you walking in the Lord? It says walk in the spirit. Those that are led by the spirit are the sons of God. Just be led by the Spirit. You're not out there like King Arthur on a night to rescue every damsel in distress in an armor and a sword.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

No, it doesn't work that way. Sometimes it's just you living with someone in their life through their struggles and helping them get to that place where they need to get to. And sometimes it takes years. My wife and I know it sometimes takes years saying the same things over and over to people, but we've known some people that finally did receive and it was well worth it. So the Lord says don't grow weary in well-doing, continue doing. Don't get frustrated, don't get fed up. If they're rejecting you, they're rejecting me. Keep going, keep ministering, keep preaching the gospel, keep sharing your life with them, keep being a testimony, keep lifting them up when they're down. Keep on.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

He said the kingdom of God doesn't come in power. Neither shall they say lo here or lo there. For behold, behold, prophetically behold, the kingdom of God is where it's within you. And so I'm speaking to my family, my saints, because I hear this and I feel like I need to be reminded of this the kingdom of God is within you, you, you, you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. The kingdom of God is within you.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

Go out, stop being afraid, stop holding back, stop being silent. Sometimes you need to speak, and sometimes it's by your actions, but let's go out. Let's go out in faith and let's believe that God is going to follow what you preach, which is not your ideas, your doctrine, but it is the apostles doctrine, because that's the one that He follows, with signs and wonders confirming the word, and it doesn't have to be healing the sick. Maybe it's just a broken, wounded heart, maybe it's just someone that's alone, maybe it's just someone that's just been beat up verbally and they just need to hear something positive about themselves, because they beat themselves down so much they don't give themselves a chance to breathe.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

I don't know where you guys are coming from or what state you find yourself in, but if there's somebody here that realizes I want to get there, I want to get there, I want to be sent out, I want to be able to do something for the Lord and not be of my own strength, then I'm asking you to stand, because there are several elders in this congregation that want to pray for you. It's not time to be sitting in the seats waiting for God to do something. God is waiting on you so that he can confirm what it is that you do with signs and wonders. It's time to stop making excuses about I don't know the word in well enough and I don't know that. Tell what you know. Tell what you've experienced of the Lord. Let that be your testimony.

Jesus M. Ruiz - j:

God will provide the fill in the blanks, the fill in the words. God is going to do these things. Is there anybody in the house that needs to be prayed for, that needs to be commissioned? Because you realize, oh, it's for me. The kingdom of God, this right now, is for me, for the body. Thus is the ministry of our Father's heart through us. Our utmost desire is to be in the Father's heart, to know the Father's heart and express the Father's heart to you. If you appreciate listening to this podcast and were blessed, pass it along to someone else by text, email or word of mouth in the hopes that they might be positively impacted, as you were. If you are interested in supporting our efforts, we would ask you to consider the following One pray for us. Two, leave a positive rating or review with whomever you listen to our podcast with. And three, if you desire to contribute monetarily, you can do so at paypal. me/ jbenjesus or CashA pp $ jbenjesus or Venmo jbenjesus. That's J-B-E-N-J-E-S-U-S. God bless.

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