Our Father's Heart

The Hall of Those Who Love God and are Called According to His Purpose | Ep. 119

Jesus M. Ruiz Episode 119

Ever wondered how deeply flawed figures like Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and even Samson secured their place in the Hall of Faith? How can their seemingly contradictory actions teach us about authentic love for the Lord and the true essence of faith? Strap in as we embark on an earnest exploration of these Biblical characters, examining their lives, imperfections, and how they are a testament to obedience and faith in God.

The story of Noah, a hallmark of obedience, and fear of the Lord, sparks the first leg of our journey. Spending over a century building an ark, oblivious to an impending flood, Noah’s story provokes reflection on the faith and fear of God. His undying obedience despite his flaws sets the tone for our discussion on several other biblical figures. From Abraham and Sarah to Isaac and Jacob, their life stories echo the same sentiment - it's not solely about what we say or do, but the intentions and motives behind our actions. 

In the final part of our conversation, we draw from personal experiences to underline the significance of authenticity in our relationship with God. It’s not about ticking boxes to earn a place in heaven; it's about genuinely loving Him and living out that love every day. We hope our journey resonates with yours and encourages a genuine, authentic love for the Lord. So, tune in, reflect on your faith, and remember - love for God should never just be a performance.

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j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

The vision received was that of blood cells traveling throughout the body, supplying the much needed oxygen and other nutrients to the differing members of the body to fulfill their purpose. Once the blood cells are spent, they must return back to the heart to be refilled before being sent out again and fulfill their purpose. It's good to see all the faces I haven't seen in quite a while and the new faces. It's good to have visitors in our house and those that we haven't seen in a long while. As you know, anytime I come to minister here, I count the privilege and honor to be before you that you would open up your ears to hear what the Lord has shared with me, that he would desire to share with you. So, before we begin, let's open up in prayer. Father, I thank you for this day, I thank you for the souls that are here today that you have desired to minister to, and I pray, father, that their hearts would be ready, primed already by you, to receive the word that you have in store for us all Father, to bring correction to a straight and crooked path, to bring light to dark places. And, father, to encourage and build us up as we continue to walk steadfastly in your word, in your work, in your will. Father, I ask you to bless us with your presence, bless us with the hearing of your voice. In Jesus' name, we pay man.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

I like to begin and stay with many of our saints that we have read their testimonies over and over and over in the Scriptures not just stories, but accounts, things that actually happened in their lives and that have been recorded in the Word of God, and I ask you to bless us with your presence. And I ask you to bless us with your presence. And, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith. And, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith and, as I said before, many consider this the Hall of Faith. And you know how long he took to build the Ark how many know how long he took to build the Ark?

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Over a century Over a century, can you imagine doing anything for over a century? And I'm not sure his children were alive even at the time, because at 500 years Noah had triplets and around 600 years the flood came. So here we have a man that just out of nowhere hears the Lord supposedly Says there's something going to be involving with the water and the earth, something never seen before. But he moved with fear. We know he moved with fear, fear of the Lord because he obeyed. I mean, think about that.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

It takes us how long to build a house of wood? Not very long. We've got our saws, we've got our chainsaws, we've got all this fancy technology and we can build houses like this and that and have our 2x4s ready. And he didn't have none of that. I'm not sure what he had to chop down trees. I'm not sure what he had to shave off the trees.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

I'm not sure what he had, but it took him a hundred years and that in and of itself is a testimony of oh my God, did he fear God? Because for a hundred years he built an Ark that nobody else heard about, nobody else knew about. And it says I'm not going to tell you what it says. You can read that yourself. But it's at this point that I begin to look at the Hall of Faith and I begin to like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, a minute. What's in Noah, the guy that was drunk? Wasn't Noah, the guy that was drunk that had his own son, kind of expose him and do something improper, and he ended up having to curse not the son but the grandson, his son's, son, and said that your, your, your canned son will be servants of all the people, the Canaanites.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

So he wasn't perfect, you know he found favor.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

He found grace in the eyes of God, but he was drunk, and I know that being drunk is not something that is acceptable in the eyes of God. And so then we look at Abraham and man. It says flat out when Abraham was called I love the word he says by faith, Abraham, when he was called to go out into the place which he should after receiving for inheritance. I love that. That's what obeyed and that's what you see throughout all of these accounts and these testimonies, these figures that we see. They all obeyed, Abel obeyed Enoch, just just. He just did stuff that please God. Well, I doubt, if he was disobedient, that he would be pleasing to God. I think it's safe assumption that anybody who obeys the Lord is going to be pleasing to the Lord. And we've got Noah here, finding grace in the eyes of God, was moved with fear, he obeyed, and so he pleased the Lord.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And here we have Abraham, when he was called, he obeyed, but.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

but then I came to think maybe it's my carnal thinking.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

I start analyzing I started digging deeper into what's going on here. So well, let me say, wasn't Abraham the guy that lied? He lied twice about his wife being being being just not his wife, just kind of being some relative, but but not his wife. Why? Why, it even tells us why. It's just because he feared man. He feared for his life. And so how is it that Abraham was looked up so highly that that he would be listed in this, what we know as the Hall of Faith? He feared man. He feared man. It says he feared man Fear losing his own life. And then it speaks of his wife, sarah. It says Sarah judged him faithful. Who promised?

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Now, if you had read the account in Genesis, that was a lot more than what it just said right there. She laughed at the Lord, literally laughed at him, and when the Lord called her up on his own, he laughed. I know what you're talking about. I wasn't laughing. Yes, he did. The Lord says. And so there's a lot more. When you read the account and I, I just I just try to see the whole picture, but but I know the God's word is true it says she judged him faithful. Who promised yeah, this is a woman that laughed. She not only laughed at the Lord lied to his face afterward.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

She not only did that, she was the one that told Abraham why don't you sleep with Hagar?

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Because it had been a long time, and we've been over. Abraham, wasted, not wasted, waited 25 years for the promise to come to pass. He didn't have eyes at the child of promise until he was 100.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

She was the one that put the idea in his head. Why don't you?

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

go sleep with Hagar. Let's get this promise fulfilled. And not only that After she allowed her own husband to sleep with another woman and have a child with another woman, she then renigs on the whole decision and banishes her and the child to where they could have died in the wilderness.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

So, on top of telling her own husband to commit adultery, she then was about to commit murder and get rid of the Hagar, the maid servant and her husband's own son. She was not to kill them all Because she was so angry, she was so wroth with her, so jealous of her. Yeah, that was her idea, and yet, and yet.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

I recognize all she's listed in the Hall of Faith. She's propped there on a pedestal of the Hall of Faith, she's looked up to highly in the Hall of Faith and I, when I give it to all this, I'm glad that these people are in the Hall of Faith and you should be too. In verse 18, it speaks of Isaac, the child of promise. He was promising to Abraham, and yet he sinned. Exactly as his father did. He not only sinned exactly as his father did, he sinned to the same man his father did, Abimelech. And Abraham lied to King of Bimbolak about who Sarah was. And Isaac, later in his life, did the very same thing to the very same king. He was interested in the Hall of Faith. Hmm, then we go to verse 21. It speaks of Jacob.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Jacob was the son of.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Isaac and Jacob was the man wrestled with God. God is your name. God is blessing Also. God is hip out of his socket and had to live the rest of his life. This man is listed in the Hall of Faith. He was the promise was given to Abraham Isaac and Jacob. It should have been Abraham Isaac and Esau. Anybody know why he was born. He was. Who was the first born? Esau? Esau was the first born.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

It should have been Abraham Isaac and Esau.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

But it wasn't. And why wasn't it? Have you looked into Jacob's life? He was nothing but a lying, manipulating swindler. He stole that birthright from Esau. In his stupidity he gave it away. Yes, I understand that. But he not only did that. Then he lied to his own father, dressed up in the furry clothes to be hairy like his brother, so that he could take his blessings. And yet he's listed in the Hall of Faith. He's listed in the Hall of Faith, Jacob, Jacob. That lying manipulating swindler who wrestled with God. And then we get to Joesph. Now Joseph you read his testimony and there's not a lot could that like . I tell that can You see, he did that, he did that.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Joseph doesn't have a testimony that he did much evil of anything. You just look at his life and you wonder why in the world, why in God's name did he have to go through all that? Why do we deserve all of that calamity in his life? It's not his fault that his father Showered him with preferential love over all the other ten brothers wasn't his fault. Wasn't his fault that he had dreams of weird animals and and and and and and and the sheaves bowing before him and the stars in the night. That wasn't his fault. It's not like he was bragging about. He just kind of shared with his brothers. He shared it with his dad.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

He wasn't being evil, it wasn't out of evil intent. But if you know his life, he suffered greatly at the hands of his own kin, his own blood relatives. His brothers all hated him, not because of anything he did, because their father loved him more than they. But that wasn't his fault. The first 30, 40 years of his life Joseph was just suffering To me. Unjustly he was sold into slavery After his brothers beat him up, threw him in a pit.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

They kind of went away talking and one of the brothers stood up and said no, no, we can't do that to him.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And then he come back to the pit and he's disappeared. Some other people came, the instrument like came and took him out of the pit, sold him into slavery. They didn't know where he went. You got to read the story if you didn't catch that. What he deserved Beat up by his brothers thrown into a pit, rescued by the issue, might just sold him into slavery. He's now going to Egypt, land he's never known before.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

He would never live there and where's he got?

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

he's sold into slavery. Now he becomes a servant in the house of Potipher and you know his testimony there. What is he? Falsely accused of raping he had many part of that.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

He ran away he turned his face and he just took off, and Yet that woman Grabbed a piece of his coat and use that as some sort of evidence that, oh, he tried to take advantage of me. Joseph did no such thing and yet he went to jail for it. He was thrown in prison. You could look at his life. Wow, wow, what man. He didn't do anything to deserve any of this. This is totally unjustified. He is doing there anyway and he's years in prison, years in prison. And you know what happens that he finally comes out of prison, he becomes second in command of all of Egypt, but he's listed in the Hall of Faith.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And then we speak of Moses. Moses, what, what? He was a baby. And and yet the Pharaoh wanted to kill all the babies, and yet God rescued him. Yeah, yeah, he wasn't even speaking, he was a baby, he had walked, he had talked. It's not like he did anything to earn this great favor, but God protected him, God hid him in the house of his adversary. And Yet Moses, this man, looked, looked and said I will put away the riches of Egypt so that I can Take part in what my brethren are going through, because they're suffering here. And and you think of Moses and you think of all the things that he did.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And yet he wasn't perfect. He was frustrated, he was aggravated by the people of God and Sometimes he stood in intercession for them. And we know that he got so angry and frustrated that, instead of speaking to the rock, he smote the rock twice. Now, if you know anything about his account, the first time there was an issue that they needed water, he struck a rock. He was told to strike a rock. He obeyed the Lord. He struck the rock and water came out.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

But what he did not know, could not know, was that the rock was Christ. And so the next time he came before the rock, he was told hey, you speak to the rock. But he got so angry, he got so frustrated at the people of God that he ended up striking the rock now once, but twice. He did not know it was Christ. You can't strike the rock more than once. Christ will not only will only go to the cross once, and then it's up to you to make that right decision over beings. You don't strike the rock twice. So he ended up striking the rock twice and he had to pay for it.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

What happened to him? He never entered the promise time. He saw it from the distance. He didn't make it, and yet he's listed in the Hall of Faith. And yet he wasn't perfect. All of these people that are spoken of don't seem to have a perfect life. They don't seem to have always made the right decision. There are sins that are contained in the law that they have themselves committed, and yet they are in the Hall of Faith. How is this possible? And we come to another one that's listed in the Hall of Faith Rahab. Everybody remembers Ram. She was a Harlot.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Yeah, harlot, yeah, she was a Harlot and yet she is listed in the Hall of Faith. And if you look at that chart, there she's a millennia of who? Jesus? How is that? She was a Harlot in the city of Jericho, but it says that she showed wisdom, verse 31 by faith, the heart the Harlot Ray had perished, not within that believe, not when she had received the spies with peace. But she showed wisdom because, if you read the account, somebody tell me what is the beginning of wisdom? The fear of the Lord. Well, when she did what she did for those spies, why did she do that? Because she feared the Lord, God of the Israelites. There's the beginning of wisdom she exhibited on, probably unbeknownst to her faith. She exhibited faith because she moved, not for fear of man, not for fear of what the Jericho people would do to her, but she feared what the God of Israel Would do her, and so she moved and got those spies out of there. That's where she's listed, here in the Hall of Faith.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And then we could speak of Gideon Gideon. Gideon Gideon was a coward In the beginning. He didn't believe anything that was going on and he kept wanting more signs, more signs, more signs. Yet he's listed in the Hall of Faith. He doubted and he questioned. He wasn't perfect, but he was listed in the Hall of Faith and the next person they named Barak. Everybody remember Barak. He wouldn't go to fight unless a woman went with him. Remember Deborah? But you see, Deborah's not even listed in the Hall of Faith. Barak is. He was one of the Judges of Israel, but he wouldn't go unless the woman went with him. Knowing full well, God had already told him go, take them. But he wouldn't go unless the woman went with him.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And we could talk to sent, we could talk about Samson Samson, samson. Samson Samson, with the Nazarite vow, had in his heart a desire for women that were not his own, not his realites. He wasn't supposed to have that desire. He was supposed to choose of his own kin, of his own tribe, of His own people. He was supposed to choose Not from the Gentiles, but something that Bishop brought forth many years ago. Very powerful point If we turn to judges 14 for a very powerful point. Because you think, why is he choosing the women outside the house of Israel? He's messing up his life. God doesn't want him to do that. In Judges 14, verse 4, the word of the Lord declares After his father and mother had seen the woman of the daughters of the Philistines, and, and he wanted her to be his wife.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

His father, mother, said is there never a woman among the daughters of our brethren?

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

that are among our people. Why are you going to the Philistines to get a wife? And Samson said to his father get her, she pleases me. But look at what he says in verse 4. This is profound. His father and mother knew not that it was of the Lord. The Lord was the one that put that in his heart Because there was a purpose behind it, all unbeknownst to any. Sometimes the purposes of God in our life are hidden. They're veiled from us. We don't understand why they're there. We don't understand how they're going to be used later in the future. I Mean you could see it with just about everybody I've named.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Why did Joseph had to go through what he went through? The purpose was hidden from him. He realized the purpose when his skin came unto him what the enemy had planned for evil. God had planned for good, but that was unbeknownst to him at the time. God put it in his heart because God had an issue with the Philistines. Hey, wasn't it God that was raising up the judges? Yeah, and he raised up Samson as a judge to deliver the house of Israel from the Philistines. And he did so in a very peculiar way, because his ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts, but Samson, even though that was put in his heart to do, that he betrayed about. He betrayed the covenant that he had with the Lord and he slipped up with every woman trying to come up with a riddle and he gave it to his wife, who then gave it to the enemy, and so that turned back on him.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

He got with the live and they wanted to know. They wanted to know. They sent out her to get from him the information they needed to defeat him, and he ended up succumbing to her and giving them the information that they needed and he broke the covenant with him, with the Lord, and he suffered for it. And Then there's another man named Jeffa. Anybody know who Jeff is? Remember that name? He was another judge and as soon as you read about this judge, the first one, of the first thing, that says he's a son of a harlot.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

He's a son of a harlot and he was the one, if you remember, that he made an Unnecessary vow so that the Lord would give him the victory, and the first person that comes out I'm gonna give him to the Lord, paraphrasing here but that first person happened to be his own daughter and they mourned her and her virginity Because she would not be able to have relations with a husband. He had to give her up. Give her up to Lord, his own daughter. But I think the one that's so a question only talked about so many times David, david, david look at all that David did. David, king, prophet Priest in transition, all those names. Prophet priest and King Look at what he did with Bathsheba. Committed adultery with her because he already had wives and she committed adultery with him because she was already married. David is listed in the hall of faaith but he didn't stop there.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

He committed murder against Uriah the Hittite Bathsheba was his wife. So he's an adulterer. He's a murderer. These are all things written in the law. His parenting skills no, lacked the parenting skills. His own son, Absalom, came in defiance him and he ran from his own son. Later on in his life he numbered the children of visual con, totally Strict disobedience to what the Lord said never to do. I never want you to number the people of Israel. He did it anyway, but he's listed in the hall of Faith.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

So many of these people, broken People, imperfect People that you would question what is that?

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Is that misprint? Why are they listed in the Hall of Faith? I'm glad that these type of people are listed, because these type of people are just like you and me. They're not. They're liars, their cheats, their swindlers, their adulterers, their murderers. All imperfect people, harlots, all imperfect people.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And yet they made it into the Hall of Faith. And that gives me hope, because I know I am not clean, I am not perfect and pure outside of God. I know my life Was a life of sin, destined for hell, just as yours was, and yet these people made it. And David to me the most overt, worst example made it. So all of this is written in the Hall of Faith. Faith, the substance of hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith, without faith, that is impossible to please God, for for he must believe that he is, I mean he must believe that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. To me, that is all surface level, because the same author that wrote Hebrews, or at least that we believe, Paul who wrote Hebrews, wrote something in particular about faith t hat I believe explains how these people got into the Hall of Faith. Paul said to the Galatians, in chapter 5, verse 6 Galatians, Ephesians, Phillippians after Corinthians For in Jesus Christ, neither circumcision available anything, nor uncircumcision available anything.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Whether your circumcised or not, that don't mean much of anything. But what does is faith which worketh. By what? Oh my gosh, that to me Open up my eyes to what this was really really all about. Because we can see faith. We see it in the actions of people. We see them things that they say. We see it in the things that they do.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

But even the Lord doesn't look on the outside of man. I don't judge by the, don't look at their stature, don't look at their good looks, because I am a God that judges the intents, the motives of the heart. And so what I see when you see faith exhibited by the works of obedience, what I see when I get past all that outs exterior, look, I deal right into the heart and I zero in. And why is he doing what he's doing? And I see. And because he loves me, that's why he's now. It's not because of what he said, it's not because of what he did. They're all good, they needed that, because without works faith is not justified. But I see the true motives in the intents of the heart. I go right past all of that and I see what he loves me. She loves me yes, she laughed in my face. She loves me. How we can go through all of them. All of them.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Faith worketh by love. It makes so much more sense to me now when I read Romans chapter 8. We know that all things work together for good. To them that love goes. But there's this and this conjunction I'm not an English grammar guy, but I know that and means these gotta be joined together. So to them that love got it and are called according to his purpose. And that explains to me why all of these people are in the hall of faith. They loved God and they were called according to a purpose that they knew not of. They didn't understand that. They knew not of the purposes Abel knew not the purpose of, why maybe his was acceptable to God, in case with our maybe we read that or we don't understand that.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

But what that shows is that obedience is better than sacrifice, and we got that from Samuel, we got that from Saul and the testimony brought forth there. But that principle is underlying throughout the scriptures. Why was Enoch translated? It was to give us a type and shadow of what was to come. He represented those that would be alive at his coming. That would be what translated After who, those that are dead and resurrected in Christ.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Noah was a type and shadow of those who would become heirs of righteousness by what? Faith Faith which worketh by love. Abraham, the father of the faith. We've already explained that he was the type and shadow of those who would follow and be pleasing unto the Lord because they walked by faith. They were justified by faith. Isaac, a child of promise. Moses he was a type and shadow Unbeknownst to him. He was a type and shadow of the blood, the water and the spirit. He did not know he was going to be that, but God used his life to show us in the new covenant that we need to come to him through the blood, the water and the spirit. It says that Moses was a faithful servant in his house. He was an example of us to be faithful in the house of the Lord, in the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. Moses was brought forth the law. Through him, but through Jesus Christ, grace and truth.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

I remember Joshua the high priest. Not Joshua the of Nun of that led the Israelites into the promised land, but Joshua the high priest. Everybody turned to Zechariah. Chapter three talks of Joshua the high priest, who was standing before the angel of the Lord and that Satan was standing at his right hand, resisting. And what does the enemy do before the Lord in regards to God's people? He's the accuser of the brethren and he's accusing Joshua. He's imperfect, he's not pure, he's not righteous, and when I look at the hall of faith, he said the same thing about all of those saints he lied, he stole, he was an adulterer, he was a manipulator, he was a murderer. He's a harlot.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Why is she there?

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Why is she there? He stands there accusing the brethren and look at what the Lord responds. The Lord rebuke you. Satan. Even the Lord whom have chosen, jerusalem rebuke you.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Is not this the brand that has been poked out of the fire? I have what chosen them. You can't touch them. Your accusations are in vain. You shall not have them. Just as the enemy tried to have Moses' body, no, you shall not have Moses' body.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And then look at what it says Joshua was clothed with what? Filled with the garlands. Hey, there's no doubt they were guilty before the eyes of God. Filthy, stained garments. And yet it says I take away the filthy garments from him.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee. I clothe thee with a change of the raiment. You see, it's not that God doesn't see the filthiness, but he doesn't hold it against you because he has cleansed you and he has purposed to give you raiment that is pure and white as snow. He chooses not to remember your sins against you. He chooses to send kes care of it all, not only what you did before you came in covenant, but even what you did after you came in covenant, because I didn't even talk about how even the disciples who became the apostles messed up, and yet we know that there with him, as a part of those 24 elders, those apostles, those disciples that have been chosen, many are called, and that phrase, right there, means the conditions of the covenant are applicable to all people. I've called all. Many are called, but few are chosen. The few that are chosen are those that I've seen into the outward exterior, the things that they're doing and they're saying. That may look right and nice in the eyes of people and men, but there I remember a scripture that said but Lord, Lord, didn't I do this in your name and that in your name? And yes, he says, depart from me, that workers of iniquity I never knew you.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

He sees beyond the facade that we have. He sees beyond the facade that the world has. He sees the facade, beyond the facade that the Christianity world has, and he knows whom, those that are his. He knows whom, those that truly do love him, because only the Lord sees beyond the veil, the flesh, and he sees right into the heart and he's looking in the heart of every man for a genuine love of him. And when he finds that man, he begins to use that man's life to exhibit the genuine faith of him. And that man's faith, that woman's faith, their life becomes a testimony, an account of the Lord's goodness, the Lord's mercy and the Lord's loving kindness.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Because none of those written in the halls of faith are boasting about what they did or didn't do for the Lord. They're all bowing their knees at the One whom is worthy, that has blood-bought them and purchased them, and that's Jesus Christ. They are the ones that do not love their lives even unto death. They overcome not by their own works but by the blood of the lamb and the word of His testimony in their life. So I don't see this as a hall of faith per se. I see this as a hall of those who loved the Lord and who were called according to his purpose, even unbeknownst to them at the time.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Now we can't answer that for you. I love my brother, elder John. He's my brother from another mother, but I don't know whether he truly loves the Lord. I know he's got the works. I know he's got the humility. I can go on and on and speak of all the wonderful things, but my judgment of him is not going to save him. Everyone must mark out their own salvation with fear and with trembling, and make sure that the things that you're doing quote unquote for the Lord are not because you're trying to make your way to heaven. It's because you're actually genuinely authentic to love the Lord. Amen. Thus is the ministry of our Father's heart through us. Our utmost desire is to be in the Father's heart, to know the Father's heart and express the Father's heart to you.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

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