Our Father's Heart

Divine Order - Headship | Ep. 123

Jesus M. Ruiz Episode 123

This episode takes you through a journey of spiritual discovery, where we unravel the divine intricacies of marriage and the church. We delve deep into the scriptural teachings about the roles of spouses, finding wisdom in verses like 1 Peter 3, and we cross-examine cultural symbols like veils and uncut hair to reveal their proper spiritual significance and meaning.

Marriage, a divine dance of humility and respect, mirrors the relationship Christ fosters with the church. Our conversation explores the balance within this partnership, emphasizing the importance of a quiet and gentle spirit for women, and the scriptural mandate for husbands to love and honor their wives as equal heirs. Furthermore, we scrutinize the responsibilities and conduct expected from both men and women in worship settings, navigating through the delicate interplay of silent learning and prayerful submission, as reflected in 1 Timothy.

Focusing on the pivotal role of divine order, our episode emphasizes the parallels between a harmonious household and effective church leadership. We discuss how well-managed family dynamics can mirror one's capability to guide within the church, highlighting the necessity of humility and mutual submission. By examining the apostolic teachings on authority, headship, and family structure, we invite our listeners to carry these spiritual insights into their everyday lives, fostering unity within both their homes and their local church fellowships.

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j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

The vision received was that of blood cells traveling throughout the body, supplying the much needed oxygen and other nutrients to the differing members of the body to fulfill their purpose. Once the blood cells are spent, they must return back to the heart to be refilled before being sent out again and fulfill their purpose. Praise the Lord.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Praise the Lord Hallelujah, that's what I say and glad to serve an "In spite of God, in spite of myself, in spite of circumstances in our family, circumstances that are going on, he continues to be faithful, continues to bless, he continues to do right by those that continually seek out His face, and he has done so today. Today is one of those days in the morning where you do not feel that you are even worthy to enter into the midst of fellowship with your brethren, yet somehow, some way, he does come through, he does manifest His presence in spite of ourselves and our position or our standing in the moment. So I'm glad to be here, I'm glad to be before you all again Don't lose your due back to back but I'm glad to be here again.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Remember John's story about being pulled by his mom? And immediately what came to mind was when I had that little three wheel tricycle thing where you pedaled and talked to a plastic, but my uncle would be on his bike and we tied a rope from his bike to mine and he would be pulling me at super fast speed and he'd come around the corner and I'd be, and then I hit the curb and he was freaking out and I said you alright?

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Yeah, yeah, are you good? And we did it again. It was not fun, you know, just to be pulled at lightning speed and crashing into the grass and curb. So that reminded me of that moment. So the Lord is good.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

I wanted to share something that we had a little powwow with saints in regards to scriptures and I don't know, I guess it just came to mind. I said maybe that's something I just need to sort of fill out and share some more, being that I don't think I've ever touched upon a subject in this manner that I have. So if everyone will turn with me to 1 Peter 3, I'm going to kind of go backward. I'm going to kind of go and use a lot of scriptures to go back to the scripture that I was dealing with in regards to saints having questions about fails and cutting hair. And you know, we've been in fellowships apostolic and apostle fellowships where they can read a certain scripture and they believe that they have to have a garment over their head, a veil, to cover them. Yeah, we've also been in other fellowships that read the very same scriptures and when they read those same scriptures, they end up leaving with I'm never supposed to cut my hair again. I'm just supposed to have this long uncut hair for the rest of my life and as I was addressing this with saints recently, I feel like we've missed the point. So I want to try to cover the point. So I want to start with Peter.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Peter spoke, and the other thing is, we are built upon the doctrine of the apostles and the prophets, of which Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone, and if that be the case, then there are themes, there are teachings, there are doctrines throughout the scriptures, especially in the New Covenant, that should be in line with each other. There should be repeated teachings of this matter, because that is what we are built upon, and it says in Acts, chapter two, that they a bided in the doctrine of the apostles. They had teachings that they consistently gave to all the people, starting in Jerusalem, branching out into Judea, branching out into Samaria and then branching out into the uttermost parts of the earth. And it would do us well, as children of God, to look in the scriptures and look at the common teachings of the apostles, see how they lined up with one another, so that we can realize oh, this is a foundation that should be in our life and in really the life of all the church, all the saints of God. And so here we read 1 Peter, chapter three, verses one through seven.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

He says likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husband, that if any obey not the word, they also may, without the word, be won by the conversation of their wives while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Who's adorning? Let it not be that outward adorning of plating the hair and of wearing the gold or of putting on a parable. Let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is, in the sight of God, a great price. For after this manner, in the old time, the holy women also who trusted in God, adored themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands, even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord whose daughters he are. As long as ye do well and are not afraid, with any amazement, likewise ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the life as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers may not be given.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

So before we just move on and go over, let's just go back and break this down. The word that catches me and that catches a lot of females that read this, is that word subjection. Wives should be in subjection to their husbands, and those women that have issues with that you can already see that as a sign of where they're at in the Lord, because once you find something is in the scriptures, there should be a humility in receiving it and figure how in the world do I apply that in my life? Because my flesh says, uh-uh, no way. I ain't doing that. Subjection to your husbands, What does that word mean? From Strong's, it literally means to subordinate. I don't know what that means either. You know we live in America, we're in the fourth grade, fourth-grade, reading level. Is that right, bishop? Fourth grade reading. Okay, so let's break it down some more. I don't know what subjection is, but it does sound good. I don't know what subordinate is, but that doesn't sound good either. And what it means is to obey. Four letters.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Obey, it means to be under obedience to, to put under has the connotation of subduing unto, to be subject to, to put in subjection, or put under, to submit self unto. Now, that's Strong's definition and we can read Thayer's, which is the same thing To arrange under To subordinate, to subject, to subject oneself to obey again, to submit one's control to, to yield one's, to yield oneself to the admonition, to the advice of another, to obey to subject. So that connotation is basically Peter is teaching that the wive's role and obviously, since it said wives and husbands, we're talking about a marriage covenant and the wives are to be subjected to obedient, to submitted to yielded and reverential to their husband. This is the behavior, this is the conduct and the manner of living that a wife should have and as we re-further that, that in and of itself is the example and is the testimony before a husband that may be out of the word of God, that may not be really listening and obeying the word of God. It is not that the woman should come and teach and correct the husband for being out of the word, but that their behavior, that their manner of life should be the testimony that speaks to their husband who fears God. And the perfect example that I can think of is I always try to think of example what is the example in the scriptures of it? And I think of immediately Nabal and Abigail.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Nabal was the fool, that's his name, that's the meaning, and he offended David and David's servants, who were simply around him, protecting him for any of you who would come and mess with them, whether it would be stealing their not the cross but stealing their cattle, or just simply protecting them, making sure that if anybody got lost you know they would help them out and get saved If anybody got stuck. They were just helping them out and he brashly, brazenly, spoke against them get out of here. Why didn't ask you to do anything for me? Blah, blah, blah, send them away. David was very upset. But did David, excuse me? Did Abigail, the wife, go to her husband Nabal, and then correct him?

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

It says it did not do that. He was a fool and she knew it, even though she was married. What did she rather do? Rather than go correct and usurp authority over her husband, she quietly and discreetly Servant, go and meet David, I'll be right behind you. And then she went in wisdom and tried to ask him. Appease David and say listen, I know my husband did not do right by you, but please accept this token as our appreciation so that, because I know what you've come here for, I know the anointing that's on you. I've heard of the stories of David and his valiant men of honor and she appeased him so that she then protected her family. You see, it was her testimony, it was her behavior, the manner that led the charge. Not that I well, I need to be in authority now. Let me take over and let me reteach my husband.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

It says wives in first Peter are to be modestly adored. So he's speaking to why, how they should be dressed. But he doesn't stop there. That wasn't the emphasis of it all, because he says, however, they shouldn't merely focus on their outward appearance. It says but there are adorning of gentleness should be rooted inside them, in their inner man, with a meek and a quiet spirit. This was the type of testimony, this was the type of anointing that a woman has. See, a woman has power, but it is not power in the flesh, it's power within her inner man to be able to influence and cause another, with a meek and a quiet spirit, to rethink the things that they said or the things that they've done. This is the adorning that our foremothers we talk a lot about our forefathers, the forefathers in the faith, the patriarchs, but think of our foremothers in the faith and he brings up foremothers in the faith that in times past, in the old covenant. This is how they were remarkable.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

This is how their testimony lives on until the day and age that we live in, they adorn and clothe themselves in subjection to their husbands. Now, I brought to you the example of Nabal and Abigail, but he brings up Sarah and Abraham. Because Sarah clothed herself with her husband in a meek and a quiet spirit. And what was it rooted in? Why did they do it? Because, it says, they trusted in the Lord. That is the root and the motivation of a woman or a wife subjecting themselves into their husband, because really they're trusting in the Lord. Their trust is in God.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Peter used Sarah and Abraham as a case in point, because Sarah, it says, even called him what? Lord, lord, master, if you will. And we, or women, are the daughter. Women in the faith are the daughters of Sarah because she let the charge. Yes, yes, and Sarah was a half-brother, half-sister to Abraham, but nevertheless, the point is that she put herself in subjection to him and if you remember his story or his account, they were passing through a land that had a certain king and Abraham in fear for his life. They didn't want to say that he was her husband. Did she argue with him? The account doesn't say so. What the account says is that she did exactly what he said and did not mention that she was his wife and they were separated because the king was like wow, Sarah, really pretty, I'd like to have that. But we know that God intervened, we know that, even though she put herself, in a position of vulnerability because of her obedience to her husband.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

The Lord intervened and gave that man a dream and said you better not touch her Because she is Abraham's wife. And see, the Lord will do that. When we put ourselves in the will of God, even though it may put ourselves in a position of vulnerability where we expose ourselves in a weak state, yet the Lord is the one that is going to be our refuge and strength, our very present help and time of trouble. So the behavior and the dress on the outside, even though he did address it here, is merely a reflection of a woman's character on the inside, because it started from within, with a meek and a quiet spirit. It started from within with a heart that was yielded, with a heart that was modest, with a heart that was humble and in subjection.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Now, how should husbands behave? Because Peter didn't just address the women, he didn't just address the wives, the husbands. How should they behave? How should they cover their lives? He says dwell with them according to knowledge. Knowledge meaning understanding of them, understand their ways, understand their thoughts, understand their insecurities, understand their struggles, understand their weaknesses, because he even said they are the weaker vessel. Dwell with them with that understanding. And then he said give them honor, honor them, for they are fellow heirs of the inheritance of the grace of life. He didn't say put them underneath and subjugate them under you, no Lift them up.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Honor them, recognizing that they are fellow heirs. Peter wrote this letter to who the saints scattered abroad. It wasn't to a specific locale. It said the saints scattered abroad. You can read that in 1 Peter 1. But what that means is that it's applicable to who.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

All the church of God, husbands dwell with them in understanding and wives being subjections to them. Now that's Peter. Peter's one of the great many apostles and he taught much in the New Covenant and he did a lot in the first century for the sake of the Lord. So we turn now to Paul. Paul wrote a letter to Timothy and Timothy was sent to go administer in Paul's stead to the saints. And Paul wrote letters to Timothy to help him out, to instruct him on what he needed to be teaching the saints in the locale that he was in. And in 1 Timothy, chapter 2, a-14, we see now Paul, not Peter, but Paul, another apostle, speak these words.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting In life manner. Also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shame-facedness and sobriety, not with broodered hair or gold or pearls or costly array, but which becometh women professing godliness with good works. Let the women learn in silence, with all subjection, but I suffer, not a woman to teach nor usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence, for Adam was first formed then Eve then, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in transgression. So Paul, before he addresses any of the wives or any of the women, he starts with the men. The men should be praying everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath, without doubting. And this lifting up of hands from old color to new is a symbol of submission. It's a symbol of I submit myself unto you, Lord God. They adorn themselves with submission. They should adorn themselves with humility to who? Their Lord and their God. Paul instructs Timothy that, in the same manner that men are to do this, surrendering themselves, submitting themselves and adorning themselves in this to their only God, Jesus, that women in like manner, as the men should adorn themselves in modest clothes, with shame, faceness and sobriety. In other words, what Paul, what Peter said in a meek and quiet spirit. But also they are to adorn themselves with good works. Good works, that what? That becometh a women who professes to be godly, a woman who professes to be holy, a woman who professes that Jesus is her God. This is how she should adorn herself. Wives are to learn in silence, subjecting themselves to their husband. So here we have Paul teaching the same thing Peter was teaching, and it's never dominating or exercising authority over the husband. They are to learn in subjection unto them. And as a case in point.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Who does Paul use as his example? He goes all the way back to the beginning, all the way back to the garden. Adam and Eve he brings up. Whereas Peter brought up Sarah and Abraham and I gave you Nabal and Abigail, Paul uses Adam and Eve, the first marriage on the face of the earth. Before God they were one flesh. They were husband and wife, man and woman, and it says in that account, in Genesis three, that Eve came out from underneath her covering.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Her recovery was her husband. But we know in Genesis chapter three that she began speaking to the serpent and the serpent began giving her ideas and twisting and perverting the word of God and instead of going to her husband and saying, Adam, this serpent said this. You don't see that account. We said that she not only listened to what the serpent said, but then she began to engage with what the serpent said and dialogue and going back and forth, back and forth, and you never hear her going to her husband. That's not in the account. All you see is engaging it back and forth. Well, that's a good idea, and then she takes it from.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

But here's the thing, if you go back to Genesis chapter two, what it focuses on the creation of man on the sixth day. It was Adam that was created and when Adam was created you can read it in Genesis, chapter two he was alone. He had been naming the animals as instructed by God. He was told by God you can eat them, all the trees, but not at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Who was that told to Adam? He wasn't around, and then, when he saw that he was alone, he said I'm going to make a help me for him. But he had already been given the commandment of what to eat and what not to eat.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

So when he was taken out of the man, it pretty much logical conclusion is that Adam told her hey, god said eat of anything.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And so when she's been speaking to the serpent and dialogue and engaging, the word that was in contrary that the certain was speaking was the word that came from Adam. But she didn't go to Adam, she just engaged in dialogue and went on her own authority and that means coming out from under the covering and doing things on your own, directly, contrary to the instruction of your covering. So Paul brings that up. Consequently, she was the one deceived. They say Adam was deceived. It she was deceived. She listened to the serpent who was, who was the serpent? A fallen angel, and then her husband said, seeing that, oh, she ate the fruit, but God told me not to eat the fruit, she ain't dead. And then he took the fruit. He had his eyes wide open and then, when that happened, they both saw what they did. They both saw that they were in and then they both were ashamed.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

This topic is about divine order. The apostles and the prophets of God taught about divine order and that divine order always started in the home, more specifically between the man and his wife, between the husband and wife. Paul speaks to the Colossians, so we have Peter speaking to the churches abroad, we've got Paul, who just spoke to Timothy and Timothy was ministering what he was receiving from Paul to the church. Because who was covering Timothy? Paul, and who did Paul give direct revelation from? He's covering Christ. See the connection? This is God. I mean, they do it in the military, right, you were pried. You can't go to the lieutenant colonel or the five star general and say, hey, I don't like what my boss is doing. You've got to go to your boss, right, you can't jump over him and try to. You know like people try to jump over Jesus and get to God. You can't do that. You've got to go up the chain of command. Well, God has his own divine chain of command and it starts in the family, between the husband and his wife. And so we read a Paul teaching the Colossians the same thing.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

In Colossians, chapter three, verse 18,. He says wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands. So that doesn't weigh with the idea that all women have to be subject to men. No, specifically to your own husband, as it is fit in the Lord. In other words, this is right. In the Lord, it's his husband. See, he doesn't he? They don't leave it to just one, like we're only going to shrug one gender. No, it's both of you. And so now he says husbands, how do you come your wife, love your wives, cover them with love and be not bitter against them.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Children, uh, oh See, now you're talking about divine order in the home. Wives, husband, now, children, obey your parents in what? In what? All things. Not in some of the things. Not in only the things you agree with. I get that. Well, what if you disagree? Children, obey your parents in all things, not the ones you agree with. It doesn't say that, you see, because Sarah may not have agreed with Abraham when he said lie about it, I'm not your husband, but she still went through with it and God was the one that protected her in that. So, children, if you disagree with your parents, obey them anyway. And if they were wrong, you have God that's going to protect you. Because what you're doing is I'm going to obey you because I'm trusting in the Lord, just like Sarah said, I'm going to obey you because I'm trusting in the Lord, all the holy women of the past. I'm going to obey you because I'm trusting in the Lord. That is my motivation, that is the root of why I obey, because I really trust in the Lord, he said to do that.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

This is well pleasing into the Lord. Now it's not just mother, father, children, now it's outside the home. Servants obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not when thy service is men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fear and God. We don't have that per se today. Servants, slaves, who kind of live with us all of our lives, doing everything, although the principal country we live in, because they still have that, but we don't understand it. But it's the principal. If you are a child of God and you are under submission under someone, like an employee. This is how we apply this principle you are to be doing unto them as unto the Lord. So when we go to work as a nurse, when we go to work as a teacher, when we go to work as a, you work with a teacher, you work with therapy or something right. Yeah, you're working unto them as unto the Lord, as if this is God. I'm going to take care of this. As if I can't, I'm going to give you as much wisdom as I can. I'm going to do it because it's unto the Lord. And then he says you know what, whatever you do, whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, not unto men. So it applies to every area of your life, not just in your home, not just outside your home with your employees, but everywhere. So Paul states to the Colossians that wives have to be subject to their to themselves, subject themselves to their own husband. This is right. This is a just duty in the Lord. Husbands, cover your wives with love. Don't be bitter against them. Dwell with them again according to knowledge, according to understanding. Give them the honor that they deserve as fellow heirs of eternal life with you, because it's not like you're going to get saved and you're going to leave everybody else behind, man or husband. Children obey your parents in all things. This is pleasing to the Lord. Children, you want to please the Lord, obey your parents. If you really want to please the Lord, that's what you'll do, because it says here clearly this is what pleases the Lord. Servants obey your masters in all things, in the fear of the Lord. So, whatever you do, do what is unto the Lord.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

So over right now, what we see is Peter speaking to the church scattered across, paul giving instruction to Timothy, another minister to. This is what to teach the saints, and we've got Paul teaching the Colossians of church that he raised up through, as he preached and taught it and traveled about. But he also does it with the Ephesians. The Ephesians he says in chapter 5, 21, submit in yourselves one into another in the fear of God. Cove yourselves in humility with each other. This is how you're in right standing with God, not that you make yourself hoarding over somebody else, but that you're humble and you submit yourselves one to another. And then he gets specific why submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord? This is a doctrine of the apostles throughout the New Covenant. It's not in one place, not in two places, not in three. It's in four multiple places.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Why submit yourselves unto your husband as unto the Lord? The husband is the head of the wife. The husband is the covering of the wife. How so? As Christ is the covering for the church or is the head of the church? He is the Savior of the body. So he's using the natural relationship between man and woman to now give you a spiritual revelation Christ is the head of the church, just as much as you've always known in your culture and history that the husband is the head of the wife. It has always been that way, from Adam to Eve, to Noah, to all the saints, David, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, all of them. It was paid. We call it patriarchal. The father is the head of the family.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And then he says therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, now listen to that. The same word is used. Subject submit. Subject how is the church subject unto Christ? Is the church supposed to obey Christ in all things? Yes, wives need to obey their husbands in all things. Children need to obey their parents in all things. Just as the church is subject unto Christ, he is the head. We should not be moving our hands and arms unless Christ tells us that's the way I want you to move.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Think of a body. The body does not move unless the brain is telling it what to do. I wouldn't be doing this unless my brain told me what to do. It's when you start acting herky, jerky and your body is doing stuff and it's under its own control, that we all say, whoa, there's something wrong there, isn't it? There's a disconnect, nerve, something's going on. They're not giving the messages and he wants to stand, but he ends up doing something on his body that it wasn't supposed to do. The brain is not asking it to do. Then we see that there's something wrong there is, and the same thing is in the church. There's something wrong when they begin to do things that Christ has not told us to do. There's something wrong when our children are doing things that the parents have not told them to do. There's something wrong when the wife is doing something that the husband is not expecting to do. There's something wrong when the husband does something that Christ did not tell him to do.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Everyone is under submission, everyone has a covering. Now we need to recognize that, acknowledge that and then walk in that, because if we don't acknowledge it, then why are we going to continue walking under our understanding? Husbands, I love it. I love that he does not focus on one gender.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Husbands, love your wives how Like Christ loves the church. There is no greater love than this that a man laid down his life for his friend and that's what Christ did for his church. Did Christ do other things? Absolutely? He instructed them, he taught them, he corrected them, he rebuked them, he gave them modeling by example, he gave them power, he gave them authority. All of this is under subjection to the covering.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Now Christ is doing this with his church because he wants to sanctify the church. He wants to cleanse it with the washing of the water, by the word. He wants to present to himself a glorious church, not having spot remesh or blinker or any such thing, but that they be holy and without blemish. Well then, husbands, if that is how Christ is loving the church, then that is what we do with our wives. What a great and tremendous responsibility we have as husband, as men in the home. It's not. They serve us and they're our doormats and they do whatever we say. That's not how Christ is treating his church as a doormat. Just do whatever I say, and I'm going to step all over you while I'm at it. I want to cleanse you, I want to save you, I want to redeem you, I want to encourage you, I want to lift you up, I want to build you up. I want to strengthen you, I want to help you. I want to hold you with my righteous right hand. This is how men ought to love their wives as a robot. He that love with his wife love it himself, because no man ever hated his own flesh but nourishes it. He cherishes it. This is what Christ does with his church, and so our husbands should be nourishing and cherishing our wives.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

If you don't know what that means, then that's what you need to go to the Lord and ask Him, because he is your head. How do I nourish, how do I cherish my wife? How do I not be embittered against them? For we are members of his body, of his flesh and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife, and they too, shall be one flesh. That is all speaking of the natural. How two come together is one in a marriage covenant. But he says this is a great mystery. But I'm actually speaking of Christ in the church. This is what Christ is going to do with this church. It will be one, one in will, one in body, one in purpose, one in word, one in deed, because he is the head and we are the body, and the body always does what the head tells it to, instructs it to, directs it to do. Nevertheless, even though I'm speaking to you spiritual things using the natural, nevertheless, let every one of you in particular, so love his wife, even as a self, and the wife see that she reverence her husband. If that's done, if husbands are loving their wives and nourishing them and cherishing them, and if the wife is submitting, surrendering, yielding, referencing her husband, there's a lot less quarrel on the house, there's a lot less strife, there's a lot less division, there is peace and then there's purpose of will, as the two are on the same page, doing what God has willed them to do as one flesh.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And now I'll go back to Peter. In 1 Peter, chapter 5, I see, after I've read what Peter said originally, so the churches scatter. The broadening he says in a couple of chapters later. But it is the same theme, it's the same concept about divine order in the home. We have Paul saying instructing a minister to teach these things to the church, and then Paul teaches it to the college students and Paul teaches it to the Ephesians. And here we have Peter saying and this is how I know the council of the Lord is consistently the same he says, through Peter elders in the church, I exhort you, whoever is an elder, I am an elder, I'm a witness of the sufferings of Christ and I'm a take of the glory that should be revealed.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

You, elders in the church, feed the flock. That's the nourishing part of Christ and the church. How is it done? In the body on earth is the elders should be nourishing and feeding the flock of God. What are they doing besides feeding? It says taking oversight, meaning they are overseeing, meaning they are covering in the body of Christ. The elders, those in the seven bold ministry apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors, bishops, deacons are the overseers in the church, watching over the flock. They are charged with feeding and they are charged with oversight and giving the God the counsel that the flock needs so that they can grow, so that they can grow and measure to the stature of Christ.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Professional, not by constraint. Elders, you should be doing this regularly, not for money, but of a ready mind. Neither has been Lord over God's heritage. You're not supposed to be overloading like a husband is not supposed to be overloading, like parents are not supposed to be overloading like Christ doesn't overload over his church even though he is Lord. You should be examples to the flock. So if God is requiring that elders be examples in his body, in the earth and they're the ones that are covering, they're the ones that are ahead in the church then, parents, you should be examples to your children. Husbands, you should be examples to your wife, just as Christ is an example to the husband of how he should be, how he should walk, how he should talk, what things he should do, what things he should say, how he should minister.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

It says when the chief shepherd shall appear, that means the chief overseer, the chief protector, the chief covering Jesus. When he appears, then you will receive a crown of glory. That thing is not a way, because you did what I wanted you to do, elders I wanted you to be examples to the fuck. I wanted you to teach them, I want you to nurse them, I want you to watch out for them and feed them.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Very much, unlike what he said in the old covenant, when he was mad, angry, graffled with those that were the shepherds, he was going to go after them because they did exactly the opposite of what is being counseled here. They fed off the sheep, they used them, they abused them, they overlorded over them for their own selfish gain. But then he says likewise you younger ones in the church, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yay, all of you be subject to one another. This humility and submission is to each other in the Lord. Be clothed. I love this. Be clothed, be adorned with. What was he saying to the women? Be a clothed. If you can find something, all he's saying is clothe yourself in humility.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And he says that to everyone. He says, yay, all of you be subject to one another and all of you clothe yourself in humility. Why is there strife in the vision? Because there's pride. But if everyone is clothing themselves in humility, then you have a lot less strife, because there's a lot less trying to get to the top, the top of some kingdom, some mountain that they made up in the figment of their own imagination to be lower over everybody. Just be humble.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Clothe yourself in humility, because it says God resisted the proud. But he gives what to the humble? He gives the grace that is needed, because it ain't easy being humble when you're living in your flesh, but it's due. He wouldn't be requiring it of you, he didn't give you the power to do it by his indwelling Holy Spirit. But you have to have the attitude that I'm going to submit myself to the Word of God. Jesus said in the Garden of Sin not my will but thine will be done. That is the attitude and the spirit we all need to have so that we can walk this out in peace with one another, strengthen in each other, building each other up and literally dragging each other necessary across the finish line Because our compagnity got injured. Okay, I'll stop and I'll drag them across the finish line so that they can get there too.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Submission to the one above who covers, to the one who oversees, I see is consistently taught within the home, first to the marriage, then broadening out to the family. It is taught within the church, amongst the brethren. Submit yourselves to one another amongst the elders and the younger ones we could talk about elder women and younger women and there's a submission there. There should be a listening to the elder women there, but also outside our home, outside the church, outside, like in the world, there is to be submission, because if you're a vaulting and causing rebellion in the world, what kind of testimony are you giving of Jesus? So how can the Lord bring a restitution of all things if he doesn't restore what was originally established in the garden between the husband and the wife? So now we get to this, this first Corinthians 11. Like I said, I've come out of different art organizations, denominations, and I tell you, they all read first Corinthians 11, and half of them will read it and say, oh, we've got to have a garment on our head and cover ourselves. And another half was oh my gosh, I can't cut my hair. And I say it's neither one. Now think about all the scriptures we just went through. And as soon as we read verse two, I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you, keep the teachings, keep the traditions that I'm trying to share with you all, keep these things that I delivered unto you, but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God. Considering all the other teachings I just gave you from all the other apostles, are we talking about a marriage coming in here? Is the head of the husband? Christ Is the head of the woman or the wife the husband? Yes, we're talking about a marriage coming. It's not changed here.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Now, what's interesting, and it probably caused some of the confusion, that K J, b Translators the same word used for woman and man here was the same word used in 1 Peter or the same word used in Colossians and Ephesians, where it said husband and wife. So people get kind of confused. They say well, what is it? A man or woman? Is a woman supposed to be submitted to every man out there? Not. If you read all the scriptures talking about it, it says be submitted to your husband, not to any man. That doesn't make any sense. You can go back into the old covenant. That doesn't make any sense. Women were not submitted to every man. There were just supposed to be a being and submitted to whatever. Nothing was submitted to their husband. And if they wasn't their husband, who was it? Their father? Remember you didn't leave your father or mother into a wife, covenant, marriage, then you get a new head, your husband, but until then it was the daughter and her father, so much so that a daughter or a young woman could make a vow and the father of the family could brick the vow and say, uh-uh, she'd stay with them. That's in numbers. I can show you that it's not a big issue, it's just there's a principle of headship, there's a principle of divine order in the hall, and if we don't understand it then we're going to keep walking around like we got a chicken with their headcrawl Just scrambling around all over the place. We need to slow down.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Read through the scriptures, all the scriptures 1 Peter, colossians, ephesians, timothy all speak about divine order in the family, in the home, and this is no different.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

It's just speaking to the Corinthians, who had a particular custom in their area where the women had or garments on, and the women and the men did it.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

So then it talks about every man praying and prophesying and all of these things, but the gist, or the primary focus of thesis statement if we're talking about English language and grammar the thesis of this all is that Christ is the head of man, husband, husband is the head of the wife. This is the divine order in the hall. And then again, as he did before, paul always said that he would just speak to the man. He didn't just speak to the woman, he spoke to them both. And he says just in case you get kind of off with this, because man is the head of the woman, let me remind you that man excuse me, man is not of the woman, but it says, but the woman of the man.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

But then he says but neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man. And then it says nevertheless, neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man. In other words, one is not more important than the other. They're both interdependent of each other. They should be complimenting each other in the Lord, but recognizing their role, recognizing what is their function in the body. In the midst of this thing that we call a marriage, the husband is the head and the husband that he's doing his thing right. He should be loving you, he should be cherishing you, he should be feeding you, he should be taking care of you, he should be uplifting you, he should be honoring you and you, in turn, you should be referencing him and obeying him because you trust in the Lord.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And then he brings out verse 10, which I skip because I want to go with the theme about the interdependency of the man and the woman and the husband and the wife. It says in verse 10, for this cause of the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. Well, some people will read that and say, oh well, that garment is supposed to be the power over her head, or you, not cutting your hair is supposed to be the power over your head. Who did Paul say was the head of the woman? The covering, the husband? Why should the husband have power over the woman, or covering over the woman? Well, that all is about the man. And how do I know that? Because he speaks of them in multiple cases, even talks about them. Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, for the man is not out the woman, but the woman of the man. What is he talking about? He's talking about, out of the need, the woman came out from the man. But there's an interdependency because right now, you're never going to get a man unless you have a woman. The woman gives birth to the babies, whether they be man or woman, so the men aren't going to come out unless it comes out of the woman. So, even though it may have started originally that way, right now it's an interdependency. They both come from one another, so they both need to be recognizing that they're both heirs of the grace of life.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

So when we have our house in order, when we have these things properly understood, rightly divided a word, it makes perfect sense why, in 1 Timothy 3, the very next chapter, when Paul is instructing Timothy on what to teach, what to teach in the fellowship that he was at, he begins to talk about the standards for a bishop. Let's read them. If a man desired the office of a bishop, he desired a good work. A bishop, then, must be blameless, the husband of one wife. Yet we have many women that believe they should be, and are called to be, bishops. Now, unless God has changed his acceptance of wives being married to a wife, I don't see that it's as the husband must have one wife, not a wife must have a wife. So it's gender specific. Now the bishop is to be a husband of one wife vigilant, sober, good behavior given a hospitality, apt to teach, not given to wine, not a striker, not really a filthy loser, but patient, not a brawler, not covetous, one that ruled well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity. Doesn't that make sense?

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

According to all the scriptures we read, the house must be in order. There must be a proper head shift and covering. Even for you to minister into the kingdom of God, in order for you to be a bishop, which is an overseer, you must have these qualities and these characteristics. These testify of the grace of God. In your life, in your house, in your workplace, there shouldn't be a novice because, who be lifted up with pride and fallen to condemnation of the devil. You should have a good report To them that are without, in other words to the outside community, outside the church. You should have a good reputation.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

And then it speaks of the deacon standards. And if you go through the deacon standards, they're pretty much the same. They're pretty much the same. They also must be husbands of one wife. They're not to be double-tucked. They're not to be given to wine, to filthy, lucrative. They're not to be given to the same standards as a bishop holding to the mystery of faith, that impure conscience. Let these also first be proved. Then let the music office of the deacon be found blameless and their wives must be, grave, not slander.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Sober, faithful in all things. These are the same kind of descriptions he was giving wives from the beginning of the century.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

If the same wives are doing what they ought to do, then they should not be. What holds back a husband from qualifying for a bishop or a deacon Like the deacons? The husbands of one wife. There it is again husbands of one wife. God hasn't changed his mind and accepted wives with wives. It's a husband of one wife ruling their own children and their houses.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

Well, he talks about how important it is, how precious it is, how priceless it is that if you do serve in this manner, you purchase a good degree for yourself, great boldness in the faith and that which is in Christ Jesus. And then, in verse 15, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God. Everything that I've just spoken of, and we cut them in chapters, but forget the chapters. Get them out of there. First Timothy, chapter 2 and chapter 3, put that letter together and you realize. All of these things that I've been teaching you is how the house of God should be behaved, because it is the church of the living God, and the church of the living God is the pillar and the ground of truth. And when the families are, in order.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

let's start with the marriage. When the marriage is in order and the family is in order, then the church can be in order, and then we, as the church, become the pillar, the foundation, the ground of truth. For who? For now? The rest of the world. But when we don't have that in order, it's very difficult for us to fulfill that call. So this issue is about headship, it's about divine order and it's something we all need to seriously consider, because all levels of people in the house of God are addressed. How many children are there I am? How many of your parents here? How many of your husbands, how many of your wives? When it says all of you submit yourselves one to another, are you guys a part of that? All of you? Yeah.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

It appeals, it is applicable to us all and it's what we need to consider so that we can walk in a way that is too easy.

j - Jesus M. Ruiz:

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