Our Father's Heart
These podcasts are intended to nurture, instruct, and help you understand what the Lord has said in His Word that you may walk in the manner worthy of your calling in Him. We pray that you are blessed, not merely in the hearing, but more so in the doing. Simply put, our utmost desire is to be in the Father's heart, to know the Father's heart, and express the Father's heart to you.
Our Father's Heart
The New Birth (Part 2) - Jesus Teaches the New Birth | Ep. 148
Can spiritual rebirth truly transform your life? Join us as we unravel this profound question, delving into the heart of what it means to be "born again" according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. We'll explore the pivotal encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus, where Jesus unveils the necessity of being born of water and the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God.
Our journey doesn't stop at theory. We dive into the actions and teachings of the apostles as documented in the Book of Acts, witnessing how they adhered to Jesus’ commandments and spread his message of repentance, faith, and baptism. From Cornelius to Lydia, we’ll examine how belief and baptism were central to early Christian conversion and discuss the significance of receiving the Holy Spirit, marked by miraculous signs like speaking in tongues. These accounts highlight the apostles' interpretation and practical application of Jesus' teachings, offering us a blueprint for understanding the early church's transformative practices.
We round off our exploration with a deep dive into the symbolism of blood, water, and Spirit, tracing their significance from the Exodus to the life of Christ. Through this lens, we’ll discuss the biblical significance of water baptism as more than a symbolic act, but as a crucial step in obedience and faith. This is not just a theological discourse; it's an invitation to reflect on how these spiritual truths can manifest in your faith walk, encouraging a life aligned with the gospel's call for a New Birth.
"Message Our Father's Heart a Question or Response"
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The vision received was that of blood cells traveling throughout the body, supplying the much needed oxygen and other nutrients to the differing members of the body to fulfill their purpose. Once the blood cells are spent, they must return back to the heart to be refilled before being sent out again and fulfill their purpose. Welcome back. I think when last we met, we were focusing on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We focused on the last words of Jesus before his ascension. And that leads us to where we're going right now, and I guess the topic or the question we want to address is what did Jesus himself teach about the new birth? What do the scriptures teach us about? What is this new birth that really only one person in all the scriptures really spoke about, and that was Jesus. And according to one of the Gospels, the Gospel of John, that's the only place where it was recorded that he spoke about this new birth. So we're gonna start in John.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The term born again has been used to mean a lot of different things, especially in modern day Christianity, but the most important thing for us to understand is what did Jesus mean when he used that term, because he's the only one that used that term. We need to know what he said a person must do to get a second chance, which is to be born again, and the only place in the entire Bible that this is spoken of is in the third chapter of John. It was one particular night that a Pharisee came to him by night, privately, to discuss with him some matters or questions that he had, and this is when Jesus brought forth this topic, or this idea of being born again. So we're going to read that from John 3, verse 1 through 8. With us here, I'd say we'll read two verses at a time. Elder John, you can start from your end and we'll go around. At a time, elder John, you can start from your end and we'll go around.
John H. S. Leyva:There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. The same came to Jesus by night and said unto him Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher. Come from God, for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God. Be with him.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Before we run more verse and pause.
Willda Leyva:Jesus answered and said unto him Verily, verily, I say unto thee Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now, the idea that's run rampant in Christianity today is that all you got to do is confess that Jesus is from God or that Jesus is the Messiah and that's it. But Jesus specifically said that if you're going to see the kingdom of God, you must be born again. Let's read verse 4 and 5.
Willda Leyva:Nicodemus said unto him how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Jesus answered Verily. Verily I say unto thee Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now to Nicodemus. This phrase be born again was very peculiar to him. He did not understand what Jesus was talking about. He thought about being born again at a natural birth. That's what he immediately thought. But Jesus said that to be born again, you must be born of the water and of the spirit. So he's clarifying his own term born again and he says no, no, no, I'm not talking about a natural birth. I'm saying that to be born again, you must be born of the water and of the Spirit. Then you can enter into the kingdom of God, because without being born of the water and the Spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of God. Let's read 6 and 7.
Willda Leyva:That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now the natural childbirth process produces a natural human being. But to become a spiritual person or a new person in the spirit, you must be born of the Spirit, you must be born again. And Jesus did not consider this to be an optional part of being a Christian. Because how did he phrase it to Nicodemus? You know we've talked a lot about how these things are not suggestions. The things that we read in the scriptures they're not like recommendations. We kept saying in the scriptures they were commandments. That's a more direct thing. And he says the same thing to Nicodemus. He didn't say it's like an optional. Well, you know what? You should consider being born again. He didn't say anything like that. How did he say it? What was the phrase he used when he said whatever he said to him you must, must means you have to. There's no ifs, ands or buts about it. There's no way around it or below it behind it. You need to do that, you must be born again. You need to do that, you must be born again. And then he comes out with some weird stuff. At least the Nicodemus probably is very weird to us. You know, having been born again, we have a much better understanding.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:But we're going to look at the scriptures to see. How does the scripture elaborate on this very interesting way that Jesus puts it in verse 8. Or is it my turn? Oh, okay, the wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit. So Jesus says that being born again of the Spirit, or the Spirit of God, is like the wind. He's using the wind as an analogy to describe the move of the Spirit of God. And He says just like you can't see the wind, you can't see the Spirit of God. He says everyone that is born of the Spirit is like the wind. Everyone makes a sound. He's using the idea of a wind is invisible, we can't tell where it comes, we can't tell where it goes, but we hear a sound thereof. So there's something about the wind that we can detect, discern or perceive, even though we can't see it. And then there's a sound that accompanies the wind. So I want to see what do the scriptures elaborate on this idea of the spirit of God being like the wind, and you can't see it, but you hear the sound thereof, and we're going to come to that in just a little bit and discover what is this sound that Jesus was talking about. But right here it sort of ends. This is all that Jesus has to say about being born again, and in order to properly interpret what the Bible says, we have to use the Bible to interpret the Bible.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:We can't read a... Let's see what's a good subject? Read a grammar book and start learning about. You know the English language, and then go to a Russian textbook to understand what this English grammar was trying to teach us. That doesn't make any sense. Within this grammar book, we're supposed to learn the rules and the parameters of this English language, understand how to pronounce the consonants Is it A? Is it A, you know? And is it a silent E? Does it give its power to the other vowel? And all of this, all of this is learned within the context of that grammar English book.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:And so I say the same thing in regards to the scriptures. The scriptures must interpret themselves, otherwise we don't really have any understanding, because we weren't there when Jesus spoke to us, spoke to them. We didn't get to privately ask Jesus well, what did you mean by that? Like we've seen the disciples do when He was speaking in parables unto the public, we saw the disciples say Jesus, what do you mean by that? What are you talking about? The parable of the sower? I didn't understand that. What were you talking about? And then Jesus gives the revelation, or the interpretation. And we must do the same thing with all of these scriptures, because right now it ends. This idea of being born again doesn't really come back anymore. He begins to talk about some other things, but he introduces that seed of thought and it's very important. So let's go a few chapters later.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:In John, chapter 7, we're going to read verse 37 through 39.
John H. S. Leyva:Brother John, you can read those three verses. Chapter 7, verse 39? 37 through 39. Christ reveals the living water. In the last day, that great day of the feast, jesus stood and cried, saying if any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. That this of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive, for the Holy Ghost was not yet given, because that Jesus was not yet glorified.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So in previous chapter, john, chapter 3, there's a connection that Jesus was trying to use in regards to the Spirit of God and connecting it to the analogy of the wind. And now Jesus stands up in the midst of everyone and says something about rivers of living water flowing out of the heart of man. Because that word belly, if you look at it in depth into the Greek word, it actually means the heart. So out of the heart of man will flow rivers of living water. And then the author of this particular book gives an interpretation of what Jesus was talking about. Was he talking about natural waters that you find in a river or in a stream? No, the author says. But this Jesus spoke concerning the Spirit. So when Jesus spoke, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water. The author's saying he was talking about the Spirit. So now Jesus is using water in connection to describing the move of the Spirit of God and that it's going to happen within the heart of man, and it would only happen within the heart of man for those that would believe on him. But he was talking about something prophetic that had been spoken of many times in the old covenant, this promise of God, this blessing of Abraham, this gift of God. It's also known as the promise of the father. It was prophesied of old and Jesus is now talking about it in his days, concerning the pouring out of his Spirit, and he's using water, living water, to describe it. But it said the author says the Spirit had not been given yet because Jesus had not been glorified. Not been given yet because Jesus had not been glorified. So the living water that Jesus Christ gives us is to those who are thirsty for the Holy Spirit. This is the very same Spirit that Jesus spoke of and likened to the wind.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:But to find the complete understanding and interpretation of what Jesus Christ was teaching, we have to examine how did his disciples put his teachings into practice. If we can figure out, well, how did his own people that were close to him, that he shared time with, that he slept on the ground together with out in the open, that he went to their family's houses, that he ate with them, he drank with them, that he sat to eat and meet with them. How did they understand it? How did they put it into practice? Because if anybody's gonna understand what Jesus said, it must have been the people that were there. He must have had to give them clarification and understanding, and the only place that we can find this is in the book of A cts.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now let me explain something that I know. I've talked about it before, but it bears reiteration. We have to understand that this book, the book of Acts, is the only place in the entire Bible where we can find the exact words that the original Christians told sinful men and women about how to be born again. It's the only place found because the letters were written to Christians. They were not written to the world to evangelize to the world on this gospel message. They were instructions to Christians for living godly in this world. But the book of Acts is not like that. The book of Acts is recording what did the disciples do after Jesus died, was buried, rose again and ascended. What did they do with his commandments? What did they do with his message to them? And so that's why we have to go there, and we're gonna start in Acts, chapter one, and we're gonna read three verses, one through three.
Willda Leyva:So the next person who's ready to read, go ahead and you can read that the formal trustees have our name O Philopolis, of all that Jesus was able to do and to teach until the day in which he was taken up. After that, he, through the Holy Ghost, had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen, to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion, by many infallible proofs being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:This is very important for us to understand. When Jesus died, was buried and he rose again, it says He literally spent another 40 days with the disciples After he resurrected. He called them apostles and he taught them things concerning the kingdom of God. Now, considering he brought out this idea to Nicodemus concerning seeing the kingdom of God, remember, unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. And then Jesus said unless a man is born of the water and Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. If Jesus was with the disciples, who then became the apostles, for 40 days, teaching them things pertaining to the kingdom of God, it probably safe to say that Jesus then elaborated and clarified what did He mean when he said you must be born again? Because, he told Nicodemus, without being born again, you cannot see or enter the kingdom of God. And so now he's teaching for 40 days the disciples the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. And since we must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven, I think it's safe to conclude. He taught them what it meant and we have already read most of what the Bible records Jesus said during the 40 days. We haven't actually all read them together, but they're found at the end of Matthew, chapter 28. At the end of Mark, chapter 16, and at the end of Luke, chapter 24. I don't want to go into all of those end of the chapters, but I want you to. I want you to confirm a list that I'm about to give you right now, because I'm going to summarize what Matthew, chapter 28, had recorded, what Mark, chapter 16 recorded and what Luke 24 recorded concerning what did Jesus say to the disciples after he resurrected. It wasn't a lot, but it was recorded in three different places. And John you can include John if you want, but at the end of John it ends with Jesus challenging Peter Do you love me? Do you love me? Do you love me, Feed my sheep. And that was something very personal for Peter. And then he went away with John and we don't know what he said to John. But John did write more books of the Bible, not just the book of John. So we can sort of figure out why did Jesus put him aside? But I want to focus on what did Matthew say, what did Mark say? And what did Luke say? Because he did give final instructions to his apostles, because Acts, chapter 1, tells us he did so.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:If we put the passages of Matthew, Mark and Luke together, we find that just before his ascension, Jesus instructed and I'm just making a list of nine things, I want you to verify it. Number one he taught his disciples to go make disciples. Number two he instructed his disciples to go preach the gospel, to go preach the gospel. Number three he told the disciples go and preach what I preached.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Jesus preached repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand, and he told the disciples go preach repentance. Number four he taught them to go preach about believing, which is the same as faith, at least biblically speaking. Number five he taught his disciples to go baptize, in other words baptism. He taught his disciples that baptism and remission of sins are tied together. Remission of sins is also another word for forgiveness of sins, pardon or removal of sins. Number seven he taught them that they must be endued with power from on high, from heaven. They needed to receive power from heaven. Number eight he taught them that there would be speaking in tongues, in languages that they had not learned before. And nine he taught them to observe his commandments.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now I make that list to summarize it, because if we go through all of them, we'll spend a lot more time here, and it's not that it's not important, but I thought we'd just summarize that so that we can see. Is this what the disciples did, if Jesus really told them these nine things? If we read the book of Acts, the book of Acts should confirm it for us. It should show us that they followed these nine elements that I summarized. So let's read the book of Acts, let's watch and see if the apostles followed all of these instructions that Jesus left them. So if we go to Acts, chapter one, we can read now four and five.
Willda Leyva:Being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father, which saith he ye have heard of me For John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence, okay, it is true that there is no explicit indication in the scriptures that the disciples were baptized in water.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:It's not there. But we do know that Jesus was baptized by who? John the Baptist. And if he said to John the Baptist, hey, we need to do this to fulfill all righteousness, that in and of itself is a good indication that his disciples, after he called them, he had them get baptized. When it happened, I don't know. I can't prove that to you. But if Jesus said to John the Baptist, we must do this to fulfill all righteousness, and John the Baptist was already preaching a message from heaven that he had received from God to preach repentance and remission of sins, that in and of itself is a good indication that his disciples also followed suit. It just wasn't recorded for us.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now there is some indication through one particular verse in John, chapter 4, that I'm just going to read very quickly to you and you can decide for yourself what it exactly means, but I'll read it out loud, just listen. Therefore, when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John though he Himself did not baptize, but his disciples I'll leave it to you to figure out what that actually meant. It's not a mystery. It's John 4, verse 1 and 2. There was some idea that the Pharisees were talking about wow, Jesus is baptizing more people than John. But then, in the very next verse, it says, though, Jesus did not baptize but his disciples. So you can go from there and see it and say, well, maybe he only baptized his own disciples, okay, but it's not a strong indication, because you're not sure whether Jesus was the one baptizing or was his disciples the one that were baptized. You don't know. But I think there's enough scriptural indication that we could safely assume. Well, if Jesus got baptized and John the Baptist was preaching a message sent from God to repent and be baptized, then that in and of itself is a good indication that somewhere along the line the disciples got baptized.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:But here we're in Acts, and here it talks about that Jesus wanted them to be in Jerusalem because he had been telling them before he died. You've heard from me, you've heard from John the Baptist.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:John the Baptist said the one who comes after me, who's mightier than I, whose sandals I'm not worthy to lose, he's going to baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire. And then Jesus said for John, truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days from now. That's what he said to the disciples before he ascended. Go to Jerusalem, you must receive power from on high. And let's read verse well, remember what Jesus said. Jesus said you must be born of the water and of the Spirit. Well, he wasn't talking about the water right now, because there's a pretty good indication that they, that order, had been taken care of, but they needed to be baptized with the Spirit. Remember, you must be born again. You must be born of the water and of the Spirit. You must. Let's read 6 through 9 now.
Willda Leyva:When they therefore would come together, they asked of Him saying Lord, is that what you're reading? Wilt thou, at this time, restore again the kingdom to Israel. And he said unto them it is not for you to know the time or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power, but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Willda Leyva:And nine. Oh, sorry, it's okay.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:And when he had spoken these things, while they were beheld, he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight. So the last thing Jesus told his disciples or his apostles before ascending into heaven had to do with the coming of the Holy Spirit, which would give them power from on high. Let's go to Acts, chapter two, and let's read verses one through six. I'll read three, elder John, if you could read three. When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord, in one place, and suddenly there came a sound. Remember that A sound. We talked about that in John 3, 8. The wind comes, it blows where it lists us and you hear the sound thereof. Well, here, suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing, mighty wind. See that connection Wind sound. And it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues as a fire, and one sat upon each of them. John, read the next one.
John H. S. Leyva:And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and there were dwelling at Jerusalem, jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now, when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language".
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Notice the terms that were used. Jesus is not speaking here. The person who wrote this was Luke. He was the physician in the group. He wrote the book of Luke and he wrote Acts. He was writing it to Theophilus to let him know how did these things come about, how did they transpire? And he's just describing what had happened in that place. And he's using the same terms Describing what had happened in that place. And he's using the same terms Heaven, wind, tongues, sound All the type of terms that Jesus used in John 3.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So when the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, the sound that the people heard was them speaking in tongues. When they were filled with the Holy Ghost, they began to speak in tongues. It says in verse eight how hear we every man in our own tongue? Because there were a lot of people coming in from different regions of the world because they were coming to celebrate Pentecost, but they spoke another language where they came from and they didn't understand how these Galileans, these common fishermen, were speaking in their tongue. Th at didn't ,
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:m ake sense to them. So they heard the sound thereof and it says in verse 33, having received of the father the promise of the Holy Ghost which you see and hear, and that encapsulates much of what Jesus said in John 3, verse 8. Same terms and you get to see how it played itself out. How did this prophetic decree that Jesus was making to Nicodemus you must be born again how did it play out? And we see here same terms being used to describe to us what Jesus was talking about being born again of the Spirit.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Let's read 12 through 18. Wilder, you can read three, and Monica, you can read three.
Willda Leyva:Same chapter.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Yes, 12 through 18, same chapter.
Willda Leyva:I'm reading I'm sorry, Jay 12, 13, 14.
Willda Leyva:Okay, yeah, okay. Acts 2, verse 12. And they were all amazed and were in doubt, saying one to another what meaneth this? Others, mocking, said these men are full of wine. But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and said unto them Ye, men of Judea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you and hearken to my words, for these are not drunken, as you suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Job, and it shall come to pass. In the last days, said God, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:And on my menservants and on my maidservants I will pour out my spirit in those days and they shall prophesy. So Peter said to those that were coming to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost exactly what was happening Right then, and there was what Joel prophesied many centuries before, and that comes from Joel 2.28. You might want to write that in your Bible so you have a reference. Where was Peter quoting this from? Now, peter had just been filled with the Holy Ghost and he stands up in the midst of all of the other disciples because there was about 120 of them and he begins to preach to those that are there listening and those that are questioning what is going on. What's going on with those people? Are they full of wine? Are they drunk?
Willda Leyva:let's read verse 32 and 33 now no, no, no, it's acts chapter 2, 32 and 33. This jesus has got raised up. Where of real? All our witnesses therefore, being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which he now sees and hears so Peter said it was Jesus that poured out what the people were seeing and hearing People acting drunk and speaking in tongues.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:What did Jesus do in John chapter 7? According to John chapter 7.
Willda Leyva:Out of their bellies shall flow the living water.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:He just poured out the living water. Jesus just poured out the living water and it was now bubbling up in the hearts of the people, for out of their heart shall flow rivers of living water. So there's no, there should be no quibble about what exactly happened in this place and who did it. It was Jesus pouring out his pirit upon all flesh. And then we're gonna read Acts 2, 36 through 42. I'll read 36 through 39 and you can finish up to 42, joe.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Therefore, as a result of all of this, let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ. And when they heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, men and brethren what shall we do of the apostles, men and brethren? What shall we do? Then? Peter said to them repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost, for the is to you and to your children and to all who are afar off, and as many as the lord, our god, will call and with many of the words did he testify and exhort, saying save yourselves from this untoward generation.
John H. S. Leyva:then they that gladly received his word were baptized, and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls, and they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:When asked what they should do, peter told them very simply to repent, to be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of your sins, and that they would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Those who were glad to hear what Peter had said did what he told them to do, so that they would also enter into the kingdom of God. Now remember that list of nine things that Jesus told them to go to. Did they make disciples Right?
Willda Leyva:then, and there they did?
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Was he preaching the gospel? He absolutely was. The gospel is Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. Did they preach repentance? Absolutely. Were they preaching about believing? If you read the whole chapter, it was all about you need to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. You just killed him, but now he's being both Lord and Christ, Hallelujah. Did they preach baptism? Yes. Did they preach remission of sins? Yes. Did they get endued with power on high? Yes. Did they speak in tongues? Yes. Did they teach to observe the Christ commands? How do you know? Where does it say that?
Willda Leyva:Because it says that in the verses that we read already, it says that After about 3,000 souls were added, what happened? And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles' doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayer.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:And the apostles' doctrine is Jesus' commandments. The apostles' doctrine is the apostles' teachings. Their teachings were from Jesus. They were taught by Jesus what to teach. So, yeah, that whole list right there is confirmed in chapter 2. And as you continue reading the book of Acts, you continue seeing this played out. What is it that they're preaching? What is it that they're preaching? What is it that they're teaching? They are obeying the commandments of Jesus, as it was said in Acts, chapter 1. Or no, no, yes, acts, chapter 1. Where it says, through the Holy Ghost, jesus had given commandments unto the apostles speaking of things pertaining to the kingdom of God.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now, to be born again, a person must be born of water. This is what it is to be baptized in water in the name of Jesus, for the remission of your sins. When a person obeys God by being properly baptized, God forgives him. Right there. He declares him to be innocent again, without fault, without blame, without guilt. But Jesus said a person also had to be born of the Spirit. He had to be born of the Spirit and he calls this the gift of God. He also calls this the promise of the father. He also calls this the blessing of Abraham. Those three figures or terms are all synonymous and they're speaking of the same thing the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now to be baptized but not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost is like a baby being born but not taking a breath. Think about that. You wanna be born again fully. And when you're born out of the womb, if that baby doesn't breathe, think about that. You want to be born again fully. And when you're born out of the womb, if that baby doesn't breathe, do you enjoy that birth? No, he's got to breathe. He's got to take that first breath and then scream, and then yell and shout and do all the things that we stereotypically feel that babies do as soon as they're born out of the womb and then scream and cry.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Well, the new birth is like that. You have to be born. You have to be born of the water, you coming out, and then of the spirit. You take your first breath, but that breath is actually the breath of God coming in you, dwelling in you, and then you begin to speak in tongues and there's that sound thereof. So to be born of the Spirit is evidenced by speaking in tongues. That was the evidence. As we continue to read the book of Acts, we will find that the born again plan preached by the apostles of Jesus Christ consistently included everything we just read about. So let's look at another example Acts, chapter 8, verse 5.
Willda Leyva:Just want me to read that one verse.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:No, just keep reading two at a time and I'll tell you when to stop. Okay Acts, chapter 8, verse 5.
Willda Leyva:Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them, and the people, with one accord, gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did, For unclean spirits crying with loud voice came and that were made, and there was great joy in the city and there was a certain man called Simon, which before time, in the same city, used and they heeded him because he had astonished them with his sorceries for a long time.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:But when they believed Philip, as he preached the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized. Then Simon himself also believed and when he was baptized he continued with Philip and was amazed seeing the miracles and the signs which were done.
John H. S. Leyva:Now, when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John who, when they were come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost.
Willda Leyva:For as yet he was fallen upon. None of them. Only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So right now, just so that we're all on the same page Philip goes to Samaria. He's going to be preaching the gospel to the Samaritans.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Luke tells us that there was already a man there he was already impressing the people, astonishing them with his sorceries, and his name was Simon the sorcerer. But then Philip came and preached and he was astonishing them with miracles of God that even Simon the sorcerer was astonished at and he believed what Philip was preaching and he got baptized, according to the gospel that Philip was preaching. But even though they believed what was being preached by Philip because it does say Simon himself also believed it says that they had not received the gift of the Holy Ghost, even though they believed. This is important because the modern Christianity today says something contrary. It says as soon as you believe, you receive.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:But that didn't happen in the scriptures. I don't want to talk about what you think. I want to talk about what sayeth the Lord, what sayeth the scriptures. And the scriptures said that even though they believed, even though they got baptized, they still had not received the gift of the Holy Ghost. I'll go back to my analogy. If you're born, yeah, you want to come out of the womb, but you want to breathe, and without breathing, it's not a very good birth, it's a. What do they call it? A stillbirth, stillborn birth, because you were never really alive. That breathing brought you that life. Well, they were believing they were baptized, but they had yet to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. I have to point that out because that's very important for us to understand. Go ahead and read the next two, 17.
Willda Leyva:They laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost 17. And the next verse too yeah was given. He offered their money saying give me also this power, that on him, so ever, I lay hands, he may receive the holy ghost. But peter said unto him my money perish with thee because thou has thought that the gift of god may be purchased with money and there's peter using that phrase the gift of god.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:That that's referring to the Holy Spirit that had just been poured out upon the Samaritans through the laying on of hands. And even though Simon had believed what Philip preached, even though Simon had been baptized into the gospel that Philip had been preaching, he didn't receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. He wanted the power to be able to do that and he tried to buy it with money. So I want to leave this chapter with this understanding you don't receive the gift of the Holy Ghost simply by making a some sort of confession of faith, simply by believing, nor by getting baptized in water. Now we all have read that the first time people received the gift of the Holy Ghost, how was it known? What was the evidence, what was the sign or the sound? Anyone Speaking in tongues? They spoke in tongues. Now, did it say in this particular chapter that they spoke in tongues? Nope, it didn't. I can honestly say that. But Philip saw something. It says Philip saw that through the laying on of hands I mean, I'm sorry, not Philip Simon saw that through the laying on of hands of Peter and John, they received the gift of the Holy Ghost. He saw something. Well, what did they see and hear back in Acts, chapter 2? They saw them speaking in tongues, they saw them acting like they were drunk, and so the only indication, or the only assumption that we could safely make of what did Simon the sorcerer see, it must have been the same thing that they saw and heard back in Acts, chapter 2.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:There's nothing else. We can go on, or we can simply say, well, we're not sure there. Okay, well, let's keep on reading. So the next example is Acts, chapter 10, verse 1 through 6. Who's turn to read? Am I Yours? Okay? There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the italian regiment, a devout man and one who feared god, with all his household, who gave al ninth hour of the day.
John H. S. Leyva:An angel of god coming in to him and saying unto him cornelius. And when he looked on him he was afraid and said what is it, lord? And he said unto him thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before god.
Willda Leyva:And now send men to Joppa and call for one Simon whose surname is Peter. He lodges with one Simon, a tanner, whose house is by the seaside. He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:It's interesting how Luke introduces this man, because he speaks very highly of this man. He was devout, he feared God. That's good. He gave alms generously to the people. Alms is like money or belongings to the poor. Oh, he was taking care of the poor. This is all biblical. And you know what? He prayed to God always Four very good things to have as a part of your reputation if you're one who fears God, who believes in God. All of those are great. But he saw in a vision an angel of the Lord tell him that you need to send men to Joppa and get this guy named Simon and bring him over here. His name is also Peter. And what are the last eight words of verse six?
Willda Leyva:He shall tell thee what thou art to do.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Oh, my goodness, wait a second. Luke introduces this man. He's devout, he's God-fearing, he's taking care of the poor, he's praying to God always, and still an angel comes to him and says hey, there's something you've got to do Now. Remember what Jesus said to Nicodemus you must be born again. According to the transition that I use, it says he will tell you what you must do. What you ought to do is what you must do, is what you have to do. There's still something that Cornelius needed to do, even though he acknowledged the existence of God even though he had a great reputation amongst the people around him as one who feared God.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:He was always praying. He had a great reputation amongst the people around him as one who feared God. He was always praying. He was always taking care of the people. But that is not what gets you saved, Jesus said if you want to see and enter the kingdom of God. It didn't say you got to be devout. It didn't say you got to fear God. It didn't say you had to pray to God always. It said you must be born again. You must be born of the water and of the spirit. And so what do you think?
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Peter, who stood up on the day of Pentecost and told the people what they must do? By the way, I skipped that. I want you to go back to Acts, chapter 2. I want you to read something real quick Verse 37. Verse 37. Now, when they heard what Peter had preached, that you had crucified the Lord of glory, you were the ones that put him up on the cross. And he has been resurrected, he's been made both Lord and Christ. And when they heard this, when they were convicted and felt guilty that they actually crucified the Messiah, the one that they were waiting for, what did they ask Peter and the guilty that they actually crucified the Messiah, the one that they were waiting for. What did they ask Peter and the rest of the disciples?
Willda Leyva:Men and brethren. What shall we do?
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:What shall we do? What must we do? Must we do? Is I got to do something to rectify the situation? And it's the same thing that's being said to Cornelius. He will tell thee what you must do. Jesus said you must be born again of the water and of the Spirit. I forgot to mention that, but that's incredibly important as well. So let's now skip to verse 42 and 48.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:I will tell you that Peter went there hesitantly but obeyed the voice of the Lord, because he saw in a vision about eating unclean animals and things. And you know, it was God showing him that. Hey, those unclean people that you have been calling unclean since many, many centuries ago, the Gentiles don't you call them unclean anymore, because I have cleansed them. Remember, jesus didn't just die for the sins of his own people, he died for the sins of the world, and that made salvation available to all mankind. And he made them clean by his own sacrifice.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So he's telling Peter I've made them clean. Now go tell him what he must do. And when he got there, he was hesitant and he told him you know, jews are not supposed to go into the house of the Gentiles, but God has shown me something and I'm here to tell you, and he starts talking about Jesus. He starts talking about this miracle working man whom God was with, doing all sorts of things, and before he even finishes, this is where we get to chapter 40, sorts of things, and before he even finishes, this is where we get to chapter 40 or, excuse me, verse 42.
Willda Leyva:Go ahead and read that. And he commanded us to preach unto his people and to testify that it is he which was ordained of god to be the judge of quick and dead. To him give all.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So Peter is doing it again. Remember that list of nine he's talking about. Jesus commanded us to preach to the people To testify that he was ordained of God. The people to testify that he was ordained of God and to him. All the prophets witnessed that through his name, whoever believes in him should receive the remission of sins. All those elements not all of them there, but at least four or five of them are right there from that list of nine where Peter is preaching. And then what happens? Patricia, I think that's you. You're next, yeah.
Willda Leyva:Well, peter, yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word, and they of the circumcision which believed, were astonished as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost, For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Then answered oh, okay.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Peter didn't get to finish. While he was preaching, the Spirit of God fell on them and we can ask ourselves well, how did they know? Well, we've got some examples already previously set before us. We really have Acts chapter 2, which is very explicit, very detailed, into what happened when people received the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts chapter 8, well, we have to kind of assume it was kind of alluded to Philip. We know, heard and saw something, but we don't know exactly what. We can only go by the previous example, which is called a precedent. But here it says specifically again Luke is very detailed in this account the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:And the very next verse see, we break up the verses like it was a complete different thought. But it's actually a continuation of the thought, because the gift of the Holy Ghost have been poured out on the Gentiles also, for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. That's the complete thought. Because then it says then Peter answered so what was the sign to the Jews that were with Peter? Because Peter didn't go by himself. Peter went with a few of the Jews that were also disciples of Christ and they heard them speak with other tongues. And so read the next two verses oh, I'm sorry, it's my turn. And this is important. And those of the circumcision who believed, meaning those of the Jews who believed in Christ, were astonished because the gift of the Holy Ghost was poured out. They heard them speak with tongues. How did they know? Well, they were on the day of Pentecost, they experienced what happened, they knew what to expect when the Holy Spirit was poured out, because they had already experienced it. So Peter says can anyone forbid water? You see, Jesus said you must be born again. You must be born of the water and of the Spirit. And right now they were born of the spirit. But Peter says wait, wait, wait. We can't forbid water. Jesus commanded us to preach about baptism. He commanded us to preach baptism for the remission of sins in his name. So can any one of us here forbid water when we all recognize that they all received the gift of the Holy Ghost, just like we did when on the day of Pentecost, and he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Lord? And so we see the fruition of fulfillment of all the things, all these nine elements that we listed in the beginning. Listed in the beginning. This is what Cornelius must or needed to do. He needed to be. What? Two words Born again. You're not born again, Cornelius, but I'm going to make a way for you. I've already made the way. I'm going to send someone to now deliver the message to you so that you can be born again. And that's exactly what happened to them.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:If we go to Acts, chapter 11, verse 12, Peter is recounting what transpired. Because the Jews back in Jerusalem, they were like what are you doing, peter, going to the Gentiles? What is the matter with you? They had issues. And then he said the spirit told me to go with them. What is the matter with you? They had issues. And then he said the spirit told me to go with them. Then, don't doubt anything, and six brethren accompanied me. So six other Jews accompanied him so that be their more greater witness in that place. It wasn't two or three, it was six plus him, that's seven. And we entered into the man's house and he told us that he saw an angel telling him to go get me.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:But look at what Peter says in verse 14. Peter will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved. Peter reiterates what Cornelius was told by the angel. He will tell you what you must do. Peter says I came here to tell you how to be saved, so we can connect the two right there. What you must do is how you must get saved, and that's exactly what Peter went there to do. He says and as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them, as upon us at the beginning. He was telling the Jews in Jerusalem hey, the Holy Spirit fell upon us, like it did at the beginning when we all received it. How did they know? For they spake in other tongues and they magnified God, just like we did when we received the gift of the Holy Ghost. So then I remembered how Jesus had told us indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit. If, therefore, God gave them the same gift, the Holy Spirit, as he gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I, that I could withstand God? That's tremendous testimonies right there of what one must do to be born again. What was the gospel? How did people respond to it? What was the evidence? What secured the whole thing? The promise of the Father, the pouring out of his Spirit that secured it. But Peter said we can't forbid water. He remembered what Jesus said. He remembered you must be born of the water and of the spirit, for John indeed baptized with water.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Let's go to chapter 16 in Acts, and on the Sabbath day, in verse 13,. We went out of the city to the riverside where prayer was customarily made, and we sat down and spoke to the women who met there. That was Paul. And now a certain woman named Lydia heard us. She was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira and she worshiped God. The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul, opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul, and when she and her household were baptized, she begged us saying if you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come to my house and stay. So she persuaded us.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now this is not a great detailed description of what happened, but there's enough elements there, based upon all that we know of before in Acts, chapter 2 and Acts, chapter 8 and Acts, chapter 10, that this woman, her heart, was open to the message that Paul was preaching. And Paul was preaching the same message Peter was preaching, the same message Philip was preaching. Let's go to verse 25, same chapter. John, you can read three verses and we'll go around reading three verses until verse 34.
John H. S. Leyva:And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God, and the prisoners heard them and suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's bands were loosed and the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled.
Willda Leyva:But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying Do thyself no harm, for we are all here. Then he called for a light and sprang in and came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas and brought them out and said Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:There it is again what must I do? That's the same thing that was said in Acts 2, verse 37. Men and brethren, what shall we do? Cornelius, he will tell you what thou oughtest to do. Here's that question again. What must I do to be saved, paul? And what does he say?
Willda Leyva:simply, and they said Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved in thy house. And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in the house and to all that were in the house. And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes and was baptized, he and all his straight way.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:That means right away, he and all his family right away.
Willda Leyva:And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them and rejoiced right away.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:There's other elements of the nine listed. What must we do to be saved? A lot of people stop at verse 31 and say well, all I got to do is believe. Can you finish reading the account, because it says a couple of verses. Later, in that same hour of the night, they washed their stripes. Immediately, he and all his family was baptized.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:It wasn't just that particular phrase, although that's the start, because he has to tell you what to believe in. He told the disciples go, teach them who to believe in. Who am I? Who to place their faith and trust in? Hey, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. Yeah, that's where it begins Faith toward God. But don't think repentance was bypassed, because Jesus taught them to preach about repentance, taught them to preach about baptism, taught them to preach about baptism. Taught them to preach about remissions of sins. Taught them to go preach the gospel, taught them to go abide in my commandments that I have given you. And so we see it played out in little elements. It doesn't have to be the same full-fledged, detailed account. We have enough evidences already. So, as Luke continues to progress through this, he doesn't continue to giving all of the elaborate details of what was said and what was done. He's just now summarizing, because he's already set a pattern, a precedent, and then we can just follow that pattern and precedent.
Willda Leyva:As we read through the scriptures, acts, chapter 18, verse eight and Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord with all his house, and many of the Corinthians hearing believed and were baptized.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Again, it's not a huge detailed account, it's just a one sentence summary. Hey, this man was preached to, this Crispus, this ruler of the synagogue, and he believed on the Lord, because that's what we were taught to go out and preach, believing on the Lord. But notice, they heard, they believed and were baptized. It didn't just end with belief and they were baptized. You must be born of the water and of the Spirit. Acts, chapter 19. Peter is preaching to the apparent disciples as he was passing through Ephesus. We can read two through six Me.
Willda Leyva:And he said to them, as he was talking to the apparent disciples 6. Me.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:And he said to them, as he was talking to the apparent disciples did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? This is Paul? And they said to him we haven't heard as much as whether there is a Holy Spirit. In other words, what Holy Spirit, what are you talking about? And he says in verse 3, Paul says that, wait, wait, wait, what are you talking about? And he says in verse three, Paul says well, wait, wait, wait, wait, what were you baptized into? And they said well, we were baptized into John's baptism. See, Paul was having a discourse with them, he was dialoguing with them. And after he's dialoguing with them, something is said, something is. There's something there that Paul discerns and he starts asking well, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Did you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? What are you talking about? What Holy Ghost? Wait, wait, wait. You don't know about the Holy Ghost. Okay, what were you baptized into? See Paul's trying to get to the root. What kind of disciples are these? They don't have the Holy Spirit. They ain't even heard of him. Well, wait a second. What were you baptized into? Oh, John's baptism. Oh, you're John the Baptist's disciples, but you're still not in.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:And so he then begins to tell them well, yes, John did indeed baptize with the baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on him. Who would come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. So now Paul is telling them who do they really need to believe in, which is exactly what Jesus told the disciples go and preach who to believe in, to believe in my name and baptism. And so he continues and says when they heard this, they were baptized into the Lord Jesus Christ. They had believed what he said. They responded to it, Whether they said, well, what do we do? How do we fix it? We don't know what they said, we just know what they did. And what they did was they believed on him and they got baptized. And then it says and when Paul laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke with tongues. Just in case you missed it, Just in case the little details that were not spoken of in the previous examples, here let me repeat it again Luke says they received the gift of the Holy Ghost and they spoke in tongues. So, from Acts, chapter 2, to Acts 19,. There's a common witness that speaking in tongues is the evidence that you received the gift of the Holy Ghost and wham bam, right in the middle is Acts, chapter 10, that said the same thing. So you got the beginning, you got the middle, you got the end and you got a couple of other examples which are not as detailed, but the pattern is there. It's obviously there, as to what is expected to be born again of the water and of the spirit.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Paul recounted his conversion experience in Acts, chapter 22. You know, Paul was met on the. Was it Emmaus? No, it's not Emmaus Road. He rode to where. Where was he going? Damascus, Damascus? Yes, it's not Emmaus Road. He rode to where. Where was he going? Damascus, Damascus, yes, on the Damascus Road. And he met Jesus in a blinding light and he had scales on his eye and he was blind and he had to go fast for three days because he told him to wait in the city. And then, when he waited in the city, Jesus sent a servant of his named Ananias who came and laid hands on him. And when he came to Paul he said Jesus sent me that you would receive the gift of the Holy.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Ghost. There wasn't a lot of details in there, I just sort of paraphrased and summarized it. But Paul recounts what happened to him. He says the story himself in Acts, chapter 22, verse 12 through 16. Can someone read that?
John H. S. Leyva:12 verses 16. But Peter Acts 12 verses 16 or 22?.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:No. Acts 22, verse 12 through 16.
John H. S. Leyva:And one, ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there, came unto me and stood and said unto me Brother Saul, receive thy sight. And the same hour I looked up upon him and he said the God of our fathers hath chosen thee that thou shouldest know his will and see the just one. And he said thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. And it came to pass.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:That's good. Yeah, right there, that's good. So Paul is recounting himself what happened to him, which was recorded of by Luke in Acts, chapter 9. And if I go back and read Acts, chapter 9, just to show you how it was originally recorded, just to show you how it was originally recorded, when Ananias came to Paul, ananias went his way, entered into the house, put his hands on him and said Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto me in the way as thou camest, hath sent me that thou mightest receive thy sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost. And immediately there fell from his eyes, as it had been scales, and he received sight for it with, and arose and was baptized. That's how it was recounted by Luke. And when Paul recounts it, you see that even he had to call upon the name of the Lord going into the waters of baptism himself. But what was he specifically sent for? That he might receive his sight and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, he also had to be born of the water and of the spirit. What must Paul have done? Be born again, just like everybody else. Paul was no different and he was not exempt from any of the requirements.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now we have just read every biblical account of people obeying the gospel and entering into the kingdom of God. If you read the letters which we call the epistles, the apostles explain the significance of water baptism. Romans, chapter six. Well, the verses one through three, monica verses four-6. We've got three references and then we're done. Romans, chapter 6, 1-3, 4-6.
Willda Leyva:What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin? That grace may abound, God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein? Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His Christ, were baptized into his death. Therefore, we are buried with him by baptism into death that, like Christ, like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father. Even so we also should walk in the midst of life, for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall also be also in the likeness of his resurrection, knowing this, that our old man's crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:When we are baptized, the body of our sins is done away with and we are buried with Jesus Christ so that we can rise to walk in the newness of life. This is just another way of saying we're born again. Just as the water of the Red Sea brought freedom from slavery to the children of Israel, the water of baptism brings freedom from the slavery of sin. Let's read Titus 3, 4-7.
Willda Leyva:I'm going to put some of these on my teeth. It's kind of an opportunity. Teeth, teeth. Yes, here it is Okay. Thank you chapter 3, 4 through 7 sure, and then she can piggyback. I thought she had already read Romans oh, I'm sorry. Okay, go ahead but after that the kindness and love of God, our Savior, toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness, which we had done, but according to his mercy. He saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Whom he poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ, our Savior, that, having been justified by his grace, we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. That phrase, the washing of regeneration, that's referring to the washing away of our sin in the water, baptism, the birth of the water. Isn't that what Ananias told Paul? Go, wash away thy sins. Calling on the name of the Lord, there's your washing of regeneration. You're putting to death that old man. But it also said and the renewing of the Holy Spirit refers to the nature of Christ being placed within us through the spirit, baptism, the birth of the spirit. Together they constitute the new birth. They're inseparable.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:We've talked about this before when we talked about the blood, the water and the spirit in the Old Covenant. The blood caused the angel of death to pass over, the water caused them to find escape from their enemies, and their enemies were then taken care of. But they needed to be led by the spirit for the rest of their days. What happened to those first generation of Israelites that came out? Because of their unbelief, because they would not let themselves be led by the spirit and follow after him? They died in the wildernesses. Their carcasses rotted there. So you need to have the spirit lead you and guide you in all of your ways, and our last verse or last book is 1 Peter, 3, 20 and 21. Who formerly were disobedient when once the divine long-suffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is eight, souls were saved through water? There is also an antitype which now saves us Baptism. Not the removal of the filth of the flesh, not by taking a shower, but the answer of a good conscience toward God through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because it wasn't your bright idea to go get yourself in water to baptize yourself. You did it out of obedience and because you did it God's way. That's why you should have a clear conscience before God. Lord, I did what you said and that's what I put my faith and trust in. You told me to do it. I went and did it. Maybe it didn't make much sense, but I knew enough to know that if I did it your way, that you would not have any cause to be angry with me. Now, if I did it my own way and I just came up with my own bright idea to please you, you might have cause, like you did with Saul. Remember we spoke about Saul stepping out and doing stuff that was not what he was commanded to do. But when you do things God ways, you should have a clear conscience before God. And that's what it's talking about. I did it your way, God, and I trust it in your way. I trust it in your word.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So, according to Peter remember he preached on the day of Pentecost we are saved by the means of water baptism. And some people say, well, that's not really significant, that's just an outward sign of a inward witness of something or other that happened to you. But that's not the way it's described by the apostles of Jesus Christ. The salvation of Noah through the floodwaters was a type, was a pattern of our New Testament salvation, and the fulfillment of that New Testament pattern is water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. For what? The remission of your sins.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Remember that the Israelites not the Israelites, the Egyptians that came after them. They were forgotten when they got under the water. Do you think the Israelites worried about the Egyptians coming after them anymore? They never mentioned the Egyptians coming after them anymore. They never mentioned the Egyptians coming after them. They never mentioned being afraid. Oh, they're still after us, they were done away with. Now. They had different issues. They had lust in their own heart for the things that they had in Egypt, but that's a different story. But they didn't have to worry about the Egyptians coming after them, their old self coming after them.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So the word answer that is used in this passage but the answer of a good conscience toward God is actually a Greek word that refers to making a legal appeal. If you think of being in the court of law, what Peter is saying that when a person is properly baptized, he's making a legal appeal to God for a clear conscience. This clearing of our conscience takes place when God forgives us and washes away our sin. Because if you go get baptized, believing what God said, that if you get baptized for the forgiveness of your sins, then you should have a clear conscience before him. He's forgiven you. What a marvelous state to be in, where your sins are forgiven. That is a tremendous blessing. That's spoken of in Romans 4.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So what we described is something that we talked about in this whole series. There's a witness. It's spoken of in 1 John 5, 8. Does anybody remember the witness in 1 John 5, 8? There are three that bear record in the earth, bear witness in the earth. What are they?
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The blood, the water, the spirit. And I've already mentioned the Exodus story. Had the blood, the water, the spirit we all spoke about or we all shared about the tabern story? Had the blood, the water, the spirit we all spoke about or we all shared about the tabernacle? Had the blood, the brazen altar, the water, the brazen labor, the spirit? You had to be anointed from head to toe so that you can be a high priest. That's anointed to be able to enter into the holy of holies In the work of Christ.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:We have the blood, the shedding of his blood. We have the burial of him in the tomb, the water, Christ. We have the blood, the shedding of his blood. We have the burial of him in the tomb, the water. And we have the spirit, the resurrection of Christ. And then in our lives we have the blood repentance from sin. We have the water, the water, baptism for the remission of sins. And we have the spirit, which is the receiving of the Holy Spirit. It's all throughout the scriptures and it's at work in our lives now if we obey the gospel as it has been given to us through the apostles, who knew better than anyone what were the commandments of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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