Our Father's Heart
These podcasts are intended to nurture, instruct, and help you understand what the Lord has said in His Word that you may walk in the manner worthy of your calling in Him. We pray that you are blessed, not merely in the hearing, but more so in the doing. Simply put, our utmost desire is to be in the Father's heart, to know the Father's heart, and express the Father's heart to you.
Our Father's Heart
The Tabernacle - Types, Shadows, and Symbols | Ep. 150
Join our exploration of the Tabernacle’s outer courtyard, where every element tells a story of grace and spiritual truth. Peer into the rich tapestry of colors like purple, blue, and scarlet, each unraveling tales of royalty, obedience, and sacrifice. As we navigate the symbolic entrances, wooden pillars, and the altar of sacrifice, we shed light on how these elements mirror the life and mission of Jesus, emphasizing the abundant grace available on this divine path laid out for us.
Immerse yourself in the sacred narrative of baptism and anointing, where spiritual cleansing unveils the intimate connection with Christ. From the anointing oil's powerful symbolism to the illuminating menorah and the twelve loaves of showbread, we uncover profound insights into our covenant relationship with God. Feel the weight of entering the Holy of Holies, where prayer and repentance usher us into God’s presence, and discover how the Ark of the Covenant and the altar of incense serve as timeless reminders of communion with God through Jesus Christ.
"Message Our Father's Heart a Question or Response"
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The vision received was that of blood cells traveling throughout the body, supplying the much needed oxygen and other nutrients to the differing members of the body to fulfill their purpose. Once the blood cells are spent, they must return back to the heart to be refilled before being sent out again and fulfill their purpose and fulfill their purpose. Our focus again is on the tabernacle, and last week we talked about what happened after they got through the Red Sea. They took a trip from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai and they got to a place where they had not drank water for three days and they began to murmur and complain before Moses. Moses began to cry out to the Lord and there was water there, but it was bitter and it was a place called Marah, which means bitterness, and does anybody remember what happened at that place?
Katy Leyva:so that the people would have water. The Lord instructed him to take a branch and stir the water together to remove the dead of it.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Is that right? I don't remember. I remember there was a tree and the tree kind of was put into the waters and then everything became. That's what you just said. We said branch.
Katy Leyva:A tree and a branch.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Oh yeah, it was a tree.
Katy Leyva:It was a tree.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:But the reason why I have to specify it was a tree. Why did I specify it was a tree? It wasn't just a branch? Because that tree symbolized something. What, what do you mean?
Katy Leyva:It symbolizes Jesus, his death on the cross.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Ah, the cross, the cross of Christ. Because he was hung on a tree. He died on a tree and when that tree is let into our lives, our life of bitterness becomes sweet. So that's what that little section brought about. We then talked about the manna. We then talked about the rock that brought forth waters, again for the people, because they kept murmuring and complaining, and I kept telling you that's pretty much their track record, for their life in the wilderness was being provided for with everything. Having manna, always getting water when they needed it. Even the fibers of their clothes and their sandals was kept where they never needed to change it and their sandals was kept where they never needed to change it. I mean, they had literally everything they needed, but they kept murmuring and complaining and they ended up dying in their unbelief there in the wilderness.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:We talked about how the rock was Christ. According to Paul in 1 Corinthians, he revealed to us that that rock was symbolic of Jesus Christ bringing forth waters of life. He was wounded for our transgressions, he was struck for our iniquities, and we then talked about how, in Exodus 19, there was a covenant made with the children of Israel, and it was a conditional covenant, like many of his covenants were that if you keep my commandments, I will bless you and make you my special treasure. And so our value as human beings. The point of that scripture was our value as human beings doesn't come from things in and of ourselves. Where does our value in God's eyes come from? By obeying him. By obeying him, then we become valuable to him, we become his special treasure when we keep his commandments. So then we talked about the categories of the law. Anybody remember what the three categories of the law were? Yes, ma'am.
Katy Leyva:Moral, civil and ceremonial. Yes, ma'am, Moral, civil and ceremonial.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Good.
Katy Leyva:What do those mean? Well, each one means what area of life it governs. So moral refers to, like what some would refer to, maybe, as common sense things, as far as what things they deem right and wrong in personal behavior or in family relationships or things like that.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Okay, so it has to do with your behavior toward God and man. There's the moral law, and what was the civil law?
Katy Leyva:where legalities are concerned, where you're encroaching on your neighbors or things of that matter, or the right way to present things, or how to go about handling financial relationships things of that nature.
Katy Leyva:Okay.
Katy Leyva:You know, if you step foot in the city, you have to abide by these laws. That's the civil law.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Okay, that's right. It's basically the laws that govern society as a whole, and it really demonstrates God's concept of justice. And then the ceremonial law. What was that?
Katy Leyva:God, instructing them how to approach him through like feasts and sacrifices.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Correct. It's God giving instructions on how he wants to be approached. And there were different ceremonies, there were different feasts, different sacrifices, dietary laws, different practices, and all of these, particularly all of these, foreshadowed Christ in some way, and we talked about the seven feasts that God wanted us to observe and we went through those seven. Then we got to the tabernacle, which was kind of what we were trying to get to in our message, and the tabernacle is a picture of how man approaches God we talked about. If you take out your maps and you can see it, it talks about there's an eastern gate. You always enter through the eastern gate. There's no other way to enter in but through an eastern gate. There's only one way. And when you enter into that eastern gate, you then are into a court. It's called the outer court and it has its own, not utensils, but it has its own artifacts and things that are inherent to the outer court.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The materials we talked about, the constructing of the tabernacle was made of gold and silver and precious stones and fine linen. We talked about where did the Israelites get all this? And they got it from Egypt. When they left Egypt, when they were delivered out of Egypt, god allowed them to plunder Egypt and to take spoils with them. So that's where they had all of these things. And we talked about an attitude that the people of God needed to have. God only accepted the contributions of those who willingly gave to the building of the tabernacle, and that was in Exodus 25 too, and we know from the New Covenant Scriptures that God loves a cheerful giver. It has always been that way. And, yes, there was a tithe and there was a specific purpose for the tithe in that dispensation, if you will, in that old covenant, and it was really to supply the Levites with what they needed to continue their service of the Lord, because they were not allowed to go out and do the things that the other tribes were to do. Their specific purpose was to serve the Lord in his temple, in his tabernacle and throughout all of the things that are there. So that comes us to the next artifact that we run into.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:We come into the eastern gate and we run into the outer courtyard. We come into the Eastern Gate and we run into the outer courtyard and in this outer courtyard it is surrounded by a tent. The tent is about 45 feet long, and I say about, because they measure things in cubits, so it doesn't tell us in feet, but it was about 45 feet long, it was about 15 feet wide and it was about 15 feet high. It was surrounded by a seven and a half foot high wall around the whole place and it was of white linen. Specifically, it was of white linen suspended from wood pillars that surrounded the courtyard, and the courtyard was about 150 feet long and it was about 75 feet across, and you can look at those dimensions in Exodus 27, 9 through 15. You can see that for yourself. And on the eastern end of the courtyard was, as I said before, the only entrance.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:And Jesus says if anybody come in by any other way, he is to be considered a what, anybody know what? Two things A thief and a robber, because there is only one way to come into the court of the Lord. Now this white linen has some symbolism to it. We've been talking about symbolism, types and shadows, and white is representative of the righteous acts of the believers. Where do we get that? Let's turn to Revelation 19:8. Whoever gets there first can go ahead and read it. Why do we say that? Why is white linen symbolizing the righteous acts of the saints, Revelation 19:8.
John H. S. Leyva:Revelation 19, verse 8, and. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints that's where we get it from.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:I've been doing in this whole study, trying to get us to view the old covenant through the eyes of the revelation that is given forth of the new covenant. And when people come to this tabernacle they should see because this tabernacle is the first thing you see it's white, pure white, clean white linen. And those white linens are the righteous acts of the saints. When people come to the church they should see righteous acts of the saints. That's the first thing they should see. Righteous behavior, righteous talk, holiness should be seen. That's the first thing people see. They don't know what's inside. They want to know what's inside, but the first thing they see is, wow, he's different. She's the first thing people see. They don't know what's inside. They want to know what's inside, but the first thing they see is, wow, he's different. She's different, she talks different, she acts different. These are the righteous acts that should be shown forth.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So when we look at it a little closer, there's a 30-foot wide gate and it has a curtain of purple, it has a curtain of blue and scarlet and it is supported by four wooden pillars and the great width of the gate kind of gives the impression that there's this abundant grace by which can be saved. Now we know that the way to be saved is narrow, meaning there's only one way. There's not this way over here, there's not that way over there. But once you get in that way, you realize, wow, what grace I have, what grace has been promised to me, what wonderful promises are there in store for me. They're not just one little thing here. I mean, it's almost immeasurable what God has in store for his saints that will come to Him His way from the direction of that one way of that eastern gate. And the fact that it was made of cloth tells us that entering in is not dependent on human strength, is not dependent on human ability. And we can look at the colors.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The purple, if you've read the scriptures, symbolizes royalty, kingship, in Judges 8.26,. You can look at that reference of how purple symbolizes royalty. In Judges 8.26, you can look at that reference of how purple symbolizes royalty. The blue, according to Numbers 15.38-39, symbolizes obedience. I want to read those two scriptures. So let's go and read those two. Why do I say purple symbolizes royalty? What does Judges 826 say? Anybody found it? Read it out loud.
Monica Acosta:And the weight of the golden earrings that he requested was 8,700 shekels of gold, beside ornaments and collars and purple raiment that was on the kings of Midian and beside the chains that were about their camel necks.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:I've told you this before God communicates to mankind through mankind's language. He didn't come here speaking some alien language that humans didn't understand. He's speaking to them through their own culture. He's speaking through them through their own history. The parables are perfect examples of Him reaching out, speaking to man in language that they understand intimately because it's part of their experience in their life. Looking at history of this time, you realize that purple was a very, very expensive color to dye your clothing in, and only the kings had this type of color, and the kings were throughout all nations used that as a part of their wardrobe. It was specifically tied to kings. It was specifically tied to kings. So that's why we say it's speaking of royalty. And I also mentioned Numbers 15, 38, and 39. Why did I say? Blue is a response to obedience. What does Numbers 15 say?
Katy Leyva:Speak unto the children of Israel and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringes of borders a ribband of blue, and it shall be unto you for a fringe that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of the Lord and do them, and that you seek after, not after, your own heart and your own eyes, after which you used to go on the way.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:He's telling the people to make tassels on their garments of blue, and it was to remind them what To keep the commandments of the Lord. He's tying that blue color, for some reason, to keeping the commandments of the Lord, and so we have that obedience. And then we have scarlet. Scarlet has to do with the blood. Now put those together Royalty, obedience, blood and you have a picture that testify of Jesus Christ the King. He was a King fully obedient who shed his blood for the saints, and these were the colors found in the eastern gate, the only way into the tabernacle. It says that Jesus said in John 10, verse 9, I am the what.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:That's great, but that's not it. I am the what. That's great, but that's not it. I am the door. See, we're talking about that entrance way. Jesus said I am the door. I am the door.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:John 10, verse 9. If anyone enters in by me, he will be saved. So I'm showing you that this tabernacle is a picture of Jesus in its elements, in its where it's at and what it signified, what its function was. Jesus said I am the door. He also said, and you're right, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the father, but by me. And so all that's a picture of Jesus being the entryway into intimacy with him, because the Levites had an intimacy with God that none of the tribes of Israel had with God. But that was under that dispensation. Not to say that we can't have that today. We have that today because he made a way for all nations to have intimacy with him, not just special few people.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now the wood is also symbolic of man. The wood is symbolic of man. We can get that from Isaiah 61, verse 3, and it says to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they may be called trees of righteousness To the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified Now, that's interesting. But if you of the Lord, that he may be glorified, now that's interesting. But if you know the scriptures, you're like, wow, that's amazing. That's incredible. That's confirming so many different things that we read about later on. He, even though he's there in his colors, in his representation, the king, by obedience and his blood mixed in with those colors, is man. And for Jesus it makes perfect sense because he was a man, fully a man, authentic man, genuine man, man in all points, man in all things, like unto his brethren. He was made. But that also has to do with us, because he made us a part of the gospel. He made us a part of that entryway when he brought us into the kingdom, when he baptized us in his spirit and made us one with him. How do people come to him? Through us, through the gospel that we preach to them, so we become a part of that entryway. But it started with him, make no bones about that. And if you think about it, the four, it's four wooden pillars that are in the entryway and we talk about. We preach the gospel. We preach the gospel. How many gospels do we recognize in the new covenant? Four, four, four the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Luke, the Gospel of John. Now, they're all the same Gospel, they're all talking about Jesus, the one and only entryway. But it's interesting, there was four wooden pillars and there's four Gospels in the New Covenant the Gospel of Matthew, mark, luke, john. And these Gospels present Jesus to us as the only way of salvation, the only way to come to know the Father. They're all in perfect agreement.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:After we come into the Eastern Gate, we come to an altar. It's called the altar of sacrifice and we've been talking about the blood, the water, the spirit, the types and the shadows. This is where the blood element is found, at the altar of sacrifice. It's also called the brazen altar, b-r-a-z-e-n for bronze brazen altar, and the animals that were brought before the Lord for the sacrifices were brought here for the sins of the people and an altar. I want you to write this down, just so you have it in your notes Altar.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The Hebrew word is HAR - L, HAR hyphen E-L, har El, and the Hebrew word translated, har El, means mount of God. El is the word God. That's -where we get Elohim. That's where we get El Shaddai El Elyon, that's God, and El Shaddai El Elyon, that's God. And that Har means mount. So mount of God is what that altar word means.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now, altar was a place where a person began his process of mounting up toward God. Mounting up toward God, the Hebrew word translated offering. Anybody know what it means? The Hebrew word for offering. It's where we bring our offerings to the mount of God. Anybody know what the Hebrew word offering is? To draw near. To draw near the altar of sacrifice is the mount of God, and we bring forth sacrifices because we are drawing near to our God. Does anybody know we draw near to God, offering up ourselves up to him as a what? What sacrifice? As a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable in his sight? That's Romans 12, verse 1. I'm bringing in the new covenant again to see that, yes, we don't bring in sacrifices of animals, but we are still required to bring an offering to the mount of God as we draw near, and that offering is us, because he purchased us with a price body, soul and spirit. We should be considered all his, and so we offer all of ourselves to him at the Mount of God, and we've also talked about that.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The blood represents what, as part of the new covenant, our repentance, our repentance is the blood. Now, the altar was a place of tremendous bloodshed and death. This altar of sacrifices symbolizes the death of Christ on the cross Because he's the ultimate sacrifice, the only sacrifice that was made once for all men, once for all time. So it refers to him and his sacrifice. It symbolizes also our death to sin, and we've already talked about that. So I'm just trying to bring into stuff we've already talked about, to keep it, an idea of what is this blood element, of this witness in the earth. Okay, that blood element is our death to sin.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Through what Repentance? As we submit ourselves to God, as we offer up ourselves to God as a living sacrifice, not to live our own life, but to live according to his will. As Jesus said, my meat is to do the will of him. That sent me and that should be ours as well. So the first step in approaching God, after you come in through the eastern gate, you meet Jesus and you realize what he's done for you. He requires you. Okay, now I want you to bring forth a sacrifice that I require, and that sacrifice is you, that sacrifice is your will. Your old man, Jesus, said in the Garden of Gethsemane not my will, but yours be done. We turn away from our sin. That's repentance. We're offering ourselves to him as a living sacrifice, and this witness corresponds to the witness of the blood. That's the witness in the earth.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:After we come to this altar of sacrifice, where it's all bloody, there's priests there working. The Levitical priests just worked there and they just got full of blood because they were spreading out the carcasses all over. If you don't know, the Levites literally cut off all the fat and it became an incense and aroma, but they ate the meat. The meat was for them. That fed them, but they got the meat. The meat was for them. That fed them, but they got all bloody doing it. And so the next thing they had to do was take a shower, take a bath, and that next thing is called the brazen laver, the bronze laver, and it was like a bird basin, you know, but it's full of water, nice, big bird basin, and it was full of water. And the word laver comes from the Hebrew word meaning furnace. Laver is the Hebrew word meaning furnace. You know what a furnace does, right? What does it do, or what can a furnace do if used in the context of some of the scriptures A furnace bringing a lot of heat. Doing what?
Katy Leyva:Burning.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Burning what?
Katy Leyva:Removing the dross.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Removing the dross, driving away the chafe. But it also what does it do to gold when it's just heated, or silver when it's heated? Purifies, Bringing out impurities, and the hotter it gets, the more impurities come out, leaving behind the gold, the silver, the pureness of it.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So, like a furnace. The laver is a place of purging, it's a place of cleansing. It's a place of purging, it's a place of cleansing, it's a place of refining. And so, since it has this element of water, we've already looked at it in the eyes of the new covenant. If it has an element of water, then it must be referring to water, baptism, the washing away of sins. Read Acts 22, 16, someone. What does Acts 22, 16 say? Paul is recounting his own experience with the Lord and what happened thereafter. After he met the Lord, he came through the Eastern Gate, having recognized and acknowledged the Lord, who came as light to him, hearing his voice, being blind.
John H. S. Leyva:And now, why tarriest thou? Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Paul is recounting his experience. He met the Lord. He was blinded by the Lord. He stayed in a town waiting for what the Lord would tell him to do and then, all of a sudden, a servant of the Lord, ananias. And all of a sudden a servant of the Lord Ananias came and said I've been sent here to lay hands on you that you might receive the Holy Ghost and see again. Now Paul is recounting this experience and he's saying that Ananias on me, after I was able to see again, he says rise up, wash thyself in the water, calling upon the name of the Lord that your sins would be washed away. So it's a washing, it's a cleansing, it's a purifying. And he came through the. Paul came through the blood, in that he received the light and revelation of the Lord through the Eastern gate, jesus. And he came to the brazen altar and he was repentant because he began to obey the Lord. He stopped doing what he was doing, he stopped going out persecuting and he just waited on the.
Monica Acosta:Lord, what do you want me to do? What do you want me to do?
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:And that was his repentance. And then part of his repentance was getting baptized in the water, washing away his sins, as it says, calling on the name of the Lord. Now the Bible says that the priests who ministered in the tabernacle were required the priests in the tabernacle who served him were required to wash in that basin, in that brazen labor. How do I know this? I'm not making this up. Read Exodus 30, 20, somebody. Exodus 30, verse 20. The Lord spoke to Moses you shall make a labor of bronze, make a laver of bronze, a base also of bronze, and it's going to be for washing, and you shall put it between the tabernacle of meeting and the altar, meaning the altar of sacrifice, and you shall put water in it, for Aaron and his son shall wash their hands and their feet in water from it. He's telling them exactly what that brazen laver is for. And then what is he saying?
Willda Leyva:verse 20, 30, verse 20 in Exodus when they go into the tabernacle of the congregation, they shall wash with water that they die not.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:But when they come near to the altar to minister to burn, If I read verse 21, it says so they shall wash their hands and their feet. What are the next three words?
Willda Leyva:That they die not.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Lest they die, lest they die, lest they die. A Levitical priest could not, because he has a great idea. Oh, I don't need to wash my hands in the brazen labor, I'll go to the river and do it. I'm sorry, that's not the way God required his priests to serve him. They needed to go to the brazen labor. And if they did not go to the brazen labor, what would happen? They would die. There's no ifs, ands or buts about it.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:You cannot bypass the water. It's why Jesus said in John 3, you must be born again of the water and of the Spirit. You can't just bypass the water. It's why, in Acts 10, when Peter was preaching to Cornelius and they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, peter said who am I to forbid water to them who have received the Holy Ghost, just as we did? You can't bypass the water If we remember what 1 John 5, 8 said about the witness in the earth.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:There are three that bear witness in the earth the spirit, the water and the blood. And these three are or agree in one. You can't skip out on one of them because they're considered one, just like the commandments. We were the ones that break them apart, we're the ones that number them. But if you would have broken the fifth commandment, you broke it all. They were considered one commandment, they were considered one word of the Lord and it was a continual word that you needed to keep it all or else you broke it all. You can't just do what you will, or do what you think is right. Do exactly what the Lord requires, lest you die.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now Jesus likewise said he who believes and is baptized will be saved. He who does not believe will be condemned. The person that believes and is baptized will be saved. The person that does not believe will not be baptized they will be saved. The person that does not believe will not be baptized, they will be condemned. You can't bypass the water. Mark 16: 16. That's why I just read that. Now, just as the Old Testament priests had to wash in water, so must we. There's no different for us. There's still the requirement of water, but it just is expressed differently in this new covenant and it's expressed through water baptism in Jesus name. For what? The forgiveness of sins, the remission of sins. It's dealing with your sin. So this is the witness of water. Now, after that, if you have your little map of the tabernacle, you have the altar of sacrifice, you have the brazen altar and then you're about to meet up into this other rectangle, but there's this little space in between, and after you wash at the laver before you can enter into the tabernacle. That's there, oh.
Katy Leyva:Did you have a question?
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Oh, okay, I thought you guys wanted to. All right, the priest had to be anointed with oil. He had to be anointed with oil. It was required that Aaron and his sons needed to be anointed with oil. There's no getting around that.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Exodus 40, verse 12, says this. Then yet shall you bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the tabernacle of meeting. That's that little rectangle you wouldn't see inside the outer court and right before that entranceway. You shall hollow it and all its utensils and it shall be holy. And right there you shall anoint the altar of the burnt offering and all its utensils and consecrate the altar, and the altar shall be most holy. Oh, I just read the wrong one. You shall put the holy garments on Aaron and anoint him and consecrate him that he may minister to me as a priest. And you shall bring his sons and clothe them with tunics. You shall anoint them as you anointed their father, that they may minister to me as priest, for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:There's that word everlasting again. We talked about the word everlasting when we talked about circumcision was a sign of an everlasting covenant. Is that required now? No, but the blood is, the circumcision is still required. It's not a circumcision of the flesh, it's a circumcision of the heart. It's still required. It's just expressed differently under the new covenant banner that we find ourselves in here. They were required in the old covenant to be anointed, and when they were anointed, they were anointed to fulfill their calling as priests. Well, we are called priests and kings of the most high God. Can we not, or can we bypass this anointing that's necessary in order to serve a living God? No, the blood cannot be bypassed. The blood cannot be bypassed. The water cannot be bypassed lest we die. And the anointing oil must be there, because it was required for the Old Testament priest to be anointed with oil in order to serve God, and so God must still require it. It just looks different. It's his anointing on the people. It's his anointing on the people. It's his anointing on Zion, the saints of God.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The oil for this anointing was specially made for the purpose of anointing Aaron and his sons. It was specially made. It wasn't just some oil, I mean. It was specially made for the purpose of anointing Aaron and his sons. It was specially made. It wasn't just some oil, I mean. It was specially made, different than other oils that they may have used for other things. It consisted of olive oil. It signified power. It consisted of four spices, signifying sweetness. And what a beautiful portrait that is of the Holy Spirit of God, powerful and sweet.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The anointing with oil symbolizes the baptism of the Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, peter said that the people should repent, the blood be baptized in water for the remission of sins, the water, and that they would then be filled. Acts 2.38. This is the witness of the Spirit and this is all in the outer tabernacle. Now, as you notice, according to your chart, there's a little rectangle.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The next place you enter in after you've been anointed with oil is called the holy place, a small, dark room. The sun did not shine in it because it wasn't open to everyone like the outer court. It had one entryway and within this holy place you find some interesting things inside and the tent it's almost like a tent and it looked very plain on the outside, but on the inside was some very beautiful things. Entering into the tent represents our entering into Christ. There's a new sense of intimacy. It's not all out in the open like the outer court was. When we come through the blood, the water, the spirit. We then enter into this holy place with Christ that we've never had before. The Bible says by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body. That's 1 Corinthians 12, 13. I'm not making this up. I'm just trying to show you how the new covenant is using Old Testament types and shadows to give an understanding to not just the Jews but also of the Gentiles of what happened when they came into covenant with God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The holy place was a place of service unto God. We can only serve God acceptably by serving him in Christ. Jesus alone makes us acceptable to God.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now, when we enter the tabernacle, the first thing we notice and we have to notice this, otherwise it just be a very, very black and dark room, and we have to notice this, otherwise it'd just be a very, very black and dark room we notice that there's a lampstand and this lampstand is giving light. We notice that on the far end of this little room, because it's about 30 feet long and it's about 15 feet wide Within this room, there's three things, each shining with a glow of pure gold because of that lampstand. That lampstand is the only thing in there that's giving light, because it's not like there's a sunroof at the top of the tent. Without that lampstand it'd just be a really dark room. That lampstand is giving light and it's called a menorah.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The lampstand has a central stem with three branches on either side. I'm sure you've seen it before, probably around Hanukkah, seen something like it. It's made up of seven branches, or lamps, made up out of a single piece of gold, singular piece of gold. They literally hammered it out and heated it up and made it malleable, and it was one piece of gold. It was not like you know. They broke off this piece, put it on. No, it was one piece of gold, just one, beaten into shape, fueled by pure olive oil. Olive oil is what fueled that fire in the lampstand. Now the gold has tremendous significance. It represents the deity of Christ, the oil represents the Holy Spirit and the flame is the light of divine revelation, because without that light you would not see anything in that world.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Yeah, sure, the gold represents the deity of Christ. I'm going to give you all some paperwork after that. You're actually going to get a lot of this stuff already typed for you, but I'll do it again. The oil is the Holy Spirit and the flame that comes from the oil, because without the oil you wouldn't have it. You get divine revelation, you get light, you get understanding, you get comprehension of deeper things of God, in the midst of the darkness of this little room.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now, seven, anybody know what seven represents or signifies? Yes, sir Elder John, perfect God's perfection. It's God's number for perfection, or completeness, or perfect wholeness. Now, the seven branches of the menorah represent the seven days of creation, the seven spirits of God that are mentioned in Revelation 4-5. Four, five.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now, when we think about Christ, the menorah represents Jesus as the light of the world, but specifically right now it's giving light to the saint, to the one that's come in covenant with him, that's gone through the blood, the water, the spirit, giving divine, intimate heart revelation. Deep thoughts of God are revealed to us in this small room. Jesus said I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life. That's John 8, verse 12. Jesus represents the perfection of God, for in him Colossians 2, 9 says dwells all the fullness of the Godhead. Bodily, he is the express perfection of God. The next thing that you'll notice after you notice oh wow, there's a lampstand giving me light. That light is shining on a couple things here, and the first thing that it might shine upon you is something on the right hand side. It's a table of showbread and the table is golden. Golden, Remember. Gold represents the deity of Christ. All of this is about Jesus. All of this is about the revelation of Christ to you in a deeper, more intimate way.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:And there are 12 small loaves of bread sitting on it, 12 small loaves. This is the loaves of bread that's called the show bread. It is also known as the bread of presence. It's also known as the bread of purpose. Now, since God reveals himself and his purpose in the word of God, this bread represents Jesus as the bread of life, and we talked about that a little with the man. Jesus said I am the bread of life.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:If you remember the teaching about being taken, blessed, broken, given. Those loaves there are broken for the saint that comes in and the light is giving divine revelation, but he is expected to eat the bread. It's not just supposed to stay there and grow stale. He's expected to eat the bread and I shared with you in that teaching that the bread was the words of God, the words of Jesus, and to eat it, to eat his flesh, to drink his blood, is to hear his words, believe it and walk in it. That's eating the bread, that's eating his word. Jesus said I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness and are dead, but this is the bread which comes down from heaven that one may eat of it and not die. That was John 6, verse 48 through 50.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now, how do I know that eating the bread is? How do we eat the bread? How do I know that that's eating the bread of life? I just said that, and it's because I've searched the scriptures. I know I can say that, but I want to give you a scripture that's found in Jeremiah, jeremiah. Jeremiah said your words were found and I ate them. Jeremiah said that and your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. That's why I know that eating his bread is receiving his words, taking them in.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:It's about hearing, it's about studying. It's about not just believing the word of God, but acting upon the word of God in faith, as all of our ancestors that we have, you know, gone over in Genesis did themselves. They heard the word of God, they obeyed. They heard the word of God, they did what he said. They left where they needed to leave. They built an ark when they needed to build an ark. Whenever they heard the word, they sacrificed their son if necessary. Whenever they heard, they did, they obeyed. Now, jesus said Matthew 4, 4, to the enemy man shall not live by bread alone, but by what?
Katy Leyva:That's right.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Man should live by every word proceeding out of the mouth of that's right. Man should live by every word proceeding out of the mouth of God. Our life sustenance should be from obeying the voice of the Lord. Now, the number 12, there were 12 loaves is also symbolic of human completeness. We see this in that there were how many tribes in Israel, how many apostles? And 12 also represents government, divine government. 12 tribes of Israel would not be the same if they had lost the tribe.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Then we come to another thing which is directly in front of us. You got the lampstand on the left, you got the table of showbread on the right, and after you're receiving divine revelation from God, the intimate thoughts of his heart, you begin to eat the bread you take in his word. You act upon the things that he's showing you, the things that he's leading you in, because, it said, his word is a lamp unto her feet and a light unto her path. And so I'm going to follow as the light is shown before me, even if it's just shown three feet before me. I'm going to walk in that light. It may not be much to anybody else, but it's just enough for me. I'm going to walk in the light of the revelation of the glory of God, and then in front of us is a table or altar of incense. Because, yes, we must receive divine revelation, yes, we must eat his word and we must obey it. But it's not a one-way street. God doesn't wanna just give, give, give, give, give. He wants to also receive from you, he wants to dialogue, he wants to exchange, he wants you, and if you can just get that in your heart, that he wants to have a relationship with you far beyond anything that you experience in this life, it would want you to be in that holy place and desire to just give him, whatever it is that's on your heart, because after you receive the light of the revelation of the glory of God and you receive his word, you have a deeper understanding of how great and awesome and mighty your God is, but also his love for you, and it should make you want to give back to him. Prayers of thanksgiving, petitions of things that you need that are pleasing to him. Not just that you need, but things that are pleasing to him. Give me the grace to do this for you, god. Give me the grace to reach this person for you, god. Give me the boldness to do this for you, god, and so you pray.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:This is what the altar of incense is signifying. Now, looking at it, naturally it's just a small altar. The priest would burn incense there, and several times in the Bible the incense is likened to two things. Anybody know what the Bible likens incense to? Prayer of the saints. Anything else Anybody know? It's another P word Praise, prayer and praise. Where do I get those references? Psalm 141, verse two. I'll give you the other one after I read it. But Psalm 141 too says let my prayer be set before you as an incense. Let the lifting of my hands as the evening sacrifice, just lifting up your hands in surrender in recognition of him, is pleasing to him. He recognizes that that's a sacrifice that I'm giving to my Lord. But the other scripture is Revelation 5.8. Now, when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a heart and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Looking at through the light of the new covenant, that altar incense has a whole lot more meaning than just oh. They just burned incense there like people do in their houses, so that their house would smell nice. It's a whole lot more significant than just that. The altar represents Jesus as our intercessor. Jesus, as the Son of God, has already made intercession for his saints. It says in John 17,. He already prayed that the saints would be made one, as he and the Father were one. He made that intercession. His whole life was an act of intercession on our behalf, because he paid the penalty for us so that we can enter into this place that I'm describing here, this holy place with Jesus. The fire used to ignite the incense had to be brought from where. Anybody can figure that out. Where did the fire of this incense have to be brought from? Have we talked about fire at all?
John H. S. Leyva:The altar.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Thank you.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The altar of sacrifice, the brazen altar, the fire that fueled this incense and burn had to be brought from that altar. Now, remember what that altar signified Blood, having to deal with sins, repentance. Now, this is a way of God's telling us that genuine repentance, genuine submission, has to take place before our prayers and our praises are acceptable to Him. It all goes back to that repentance. That repentance is not a one day event or one moment event. It is a way of life. Repentance is an act of worship. You don't worship the Lord once on a week, you do it every day. Your life is an act of worship, but without repentance it's not worship, it's rebellion. So when you come before God and you want to give him praises, you better be having a life of repentance, because if you have unforgiveness, if you have that, you're walking in sin and you're doing it willfully. Those prayers are going to reach the top of that tent and then they'll fall back to the floor. It's not going to go anywhere. It has to be rooted in a life of repentance and submission in order for you to be heard. Prayer and praise is rooted in a sincere appreciation of what God did when he washed away your sins, when he made you acceptable so that you could stand in his presence, but to walk outside of that and to not walk in a repentant manner, you basically trample underfoot the blood that washed you clean. That's in Hebrews, chapter nine or 10. Conversely, if we come to God with sin in our hearts, we don't have any guarantee that our prayers are answered. As a matter of fact, david said if I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear. He said that himself and we all look up to him as a father in the faith. Then heed his example, heed what he believed, and that was Psalm 66, 18. When all of that is done, when all of that is taken care of receiving the light of the revelation, eating the bread, obeying, walking in the nourishment of that bread and praying, praising, thanking gratitude there's one more place to get to. It's even deeper, it's even more intimate than this place, and separating this holy place from the next place is a veil, and this second room, within the tabernacle, has a heavy linen veil, has a heavy linen veil, and beyond that veil is a 15 foot square, 15 square foot place called Holy of Holies. Just when you thought you reached a great place in the heart of God, you find out. Oh my God, there's even more, it gets even deeper, and in this place is a gold-covered box called the Ark of the Covenant. The Covenant is not just a box, it's an ark of the covenant that God made with man. But only one person could enter into that place in the old covenant, not all the priests, only one. That was Aaron, the high priest, and he would go beyond this veil once a year, and that was on the day of atonement. Today the Jews call it Yom Kippur. And on this special day the high priest would enter into the Holy of Holies and he would sprinkle the blood of an animal on the ark for the sins of all of Israel. Where did he get that blood? The altar of sacrifice. Entering into the Holy of Holies represents you entering into the presence of god.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now, who acted as our high priest in this new covenant? Jesus? He entered into the presence of god once and for all. With whose blood? The blood of an animal, the goat, the sheep? With whose blood? The blood of an animal, the goat, the sheep? His own blood, his own righteous blood. And he made an atonement for our sins.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Some people use the word atonement in a clever way to help people understand what does that mean? Atonement? Well, let's divide it up into three parts, three syllables. What's the first syllable At? What's the second? One-ment, at-one-ment Having our sins atoned for means that we are at one with God, that is, to be in perfect harmony with God.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now, this Ark of the Covenant was only about four foot long. It was only about two feet wide. On the top of this lid was called the mercy seat. Right in the middle was a mercy seat and overarching over it, on the right and the left side, were two golden cherubim, angelic creatures with their wings spread over the ark, and it created a space between their wings. And in that space, between these overarching wings, was the mercy seat. It was within this space that the presence of god dwelled. Right there. This presence was called the shakina.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:You may have heard the song, or you may have heard the song, or you may have heard the word Shekinah, glory. Now, the Hebrew word for Shekinah means to dwell. God dwelled on the mercy seat. Think about how significant that is. He dwells on a mercy seat. We think he dwells on a throne. Yes, it's called the mercy seat and thank God, it's a mercy seat. We don't know what the presence of God looked like. We just know that it was there, in between the cherubim, in between the overarching wings of the cherubim. Isaiah says in 37, verse 16, o Lord of hosts, god of Israel, the one who dwells between the cherubim, you are God alone. Of all the kingdoms of the earth, you have made heaven and earth. Of the earth, you have made heaven and earth. Let us read two verses in Exodus 25.
John H. S. Leyva:Verse 21 and 23.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:21 and 22, sorry.
John H. S. Leyva:And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark, and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee, and there will I meet with thee and I will commune with thee, from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark, of the testimony of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:I didn't tell you this before, but the Hebrew word for incense, its root word meaning, is to join together. So what this is saying is that that altar of incense tells us that through our sincere prayers, through prayers of righteous people what does it say about the prayers of a righteous man? It availeth much If you're in right standing with God and your prayers are as an incense unto him, a sweet aroma to him. You're actually joining yourself together with God in his purpose and in his will. This meeting between God and man only takes place within Jesus Christ. It cannot happen any other way. No man cometh unto the Father but by me, but through me, and it is Jesus Christ who has paved the way into the presence of the Almighty God.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:I think I told you before the incense consisted of four sweet spices. They are, or one of them was red stakte, one of them was black onycha, o-n-y-c-h-a. Another spice was yellowish brown galbanum, g-a-l-b-a-n-u-m, and the other one was white frankincense. God desires that all the nations of the earth be joined together in one. All the colors of the rainbow are really the bending of the one light source. That's all they are. The source of all the colors of the rainbow is the light that we have.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:We can turn to Exodus 40, verse 34. It says that the cloud covered the tabernacle of meeting, the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle and Moses was not able to enter into the tabernacle of meeting because the cloud rested above it and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And whenever the cloud was taken up, lord filled the tabernacle. And whenever the cloud was taken up from above the tabernacle, then the children would go onward in their journeys. But if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not journey till the day that it was taken up, for the cloud of the Lord was above the tabernacle by day and the fire was over it by night, in the sight of all the house. So all I'm doing is describing to you that the Israelites only moved when God moved.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:If that cloud remained on the tabernacle, none of them had the gall to go into the tabernacle and say, hey, lord, we need to get going. Even Moses could not enter into the tabernacle and say, hey, Lord, we need to get going. Even Moses could not enter into the tabernacle. But what happened was when that glory cloud rised up, then everybody knew, oh, it's time to move, it's time to go, and that's the way our lives should be. We move when he moves, we speak when he speaks. We do as he moves, we speak when he speaks, we do as he does, and that's how we are led by the spirit of God. We don't know where we're going, we hardly know where we came from, but thus are those that are born of the spirit. They're like the wind, and no one knows where the wind comes from or where it goes. That was John 3.8. Where the wind comes from, where it goes, that was John 3.8.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:Now, Moses built the Tabernacle exactly as he was given the pattern, exactly according to the instructions that were given to him by God, just like Noah did. If we want to draw near to God in a personal, intimate relationship, it must be according to the word of God. It can't be our own way. It must be as the scriptures hath said. Jesus said he that believeth on me, as the scriptures hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. But man, he could have just said he that believeth on me and gone on, shall flow rivers of living water, but for some reason the scriptures say he that believeth on me
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:as the scriptures said, that means according to the word. You must believe in me, and so if you want to approach me, you better do it according to my word. You want to skip the water? You die. You want to skip the water? You die. You want to try to come into my holy place without getting anointed with oil. Even Moses would not enter into the glory of the Lord when he came down. And you think you're going to get in without the water or without the blood or without the oil? You've got another thing coming.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:We must build our lives according to the word, and if we don't, we have no promise. There is no promise in the scriptures that says the lord is going to be with us. He says it to the saints, to those that live according to the word. The just shall live by faith. The promises are given to them, but he didn't give it to anybody else. So let us end today with Hebrews 10, verse 19. Ended with a new covenant perspective. We're going to read 19 through 22. Whoever gets it, let's go around and let one person read a verse and just keep going around until we're done. It's only three verses.
John H. S. Leyva:Hebrews 10, 19.
Willda Leyva:Mm-hmm.
John H. S. Leyva:Having, therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.
Willda Leyva:By a new and living way, which he has consecrated for us Through the veil, that is, to say his flesh and having an high priest over the house of God.
Monica Acosta:let us draw near with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:That pretty much encapsulates what this tabernacle was about. We should have boldness If we're able to get into the holiest. We should have boldness Because in order to get to the holiest, you had to come in according to the word of God. You had to come in through Jesus, and Jesus was the one who consecrated for us a way to enter into this place, and he's our high priest. So let us draw near, let us not be afraid, let us not be ashamed.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:If I come to him in the way that he required, I have a free conscience. I don't have an evil conscience anymore. It doesn't bug me, it doesn't bother me anymore because I know, because I walked in it by faith, that his blood cleansed me from my sin, that he did forgive me. I don't need to fear God anymore because I did it his way. Now, if you do it any other way, I cannot talk about your conscience. You're probably going to have a conscience that is convicting, because you realize there's something lacking, there's something wanting in your life. But, man, if you go in through the blood, if you get baptized in the water and you receive his blessed Holy Spirit and you're walking in his word, you don't have anything to worry about. You don't have anything to fear, because your heart has done right, with God doing it his way and not your own.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So let us draw near with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled. Sprinkling has to do with that blood, because the blood was sprinkled on the Ark of the Covenant. It was sprinkled on the mercy seat. For what? The sins of all ofvenant. It was sprinkled on the mercy seat For what? The sins of all of Israel. Well, jesus took his own blood and sprinkled it on the mercy seat for your sins.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:So what are you afraid of? What are you worried about? Nothing, nothing, nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. If you walk according to his word, nothing, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore. Our bodies are washed with pure water.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:The tabernacle points to one man. It's all about Jesus. It's all about growing deeper and deeper and more intimate with Jesus. Because of his blood, we can come boldly to the presence of God. The heart refers to our inward man, our thoughts, our intentions, but the body just refers to our outward man, our thoughts, our intentions, but the body just refers to our outward man, our words and our actions. But both inward and outward is cleansed by Jesus. It's cleansed by his blood, and the purpose of this cleansing is not so that we can continue freely in sin. Its purpose is so we can be free to live separated from sin and walk in something we could never do before. Righteousness His righteousness by faith. It was accounted to him as righteousness Because his obedience Amen.
j - Jesus M. Ruiz:If you were blessed and appreciate listening to this podcast and you would like to support us in our efforts, consider lifting us up in prayer first. Then remember these four social media buzzwords share, like, subscribe or follow. Share this podcast link with someone else by text, email or word of mouth in the hopes that they might be uplifted, as you were Like by leaving a positive rating or review with whomever you listen to our podcast, with Subscribe to support the show monetarily with the link in our podcast description. Follow us on all our social media platforms. May God bless you and make you prosperous in Him as you listen and obey His voice.